dsmmigfs add and update

Use the dsmmigfs command with the add parameter to add space management to the file system. Use the dsmmigfs command with the update parameter to update space management settings for your file system.

You must have root user authority to use this command.

For information about configuring IBM Spectrum® Scale integration with the space management client, see Technote 7018848.

Before you run dsmmigfs add filesystem on GPFS file systems, ensure that the file system is mounted and enabled for Data Management Application Programming Interface (DMAPI) management. Issue the following commands:

For GPFS file systems:
  /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsfs DevicePath -z
If it is required, change the value as follows:
  /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmchfs DevicePath -z yes 
Run only one dsmmigfs command within the local IBM Spectrum Scale node group at the same time.

You cannot add space management to your root ( / ), /tmp, /usr, or /var file systems.

Note: You can query only information about mounted file systems. If a file system is space-managed, but not mounted, it does not show up within the query command


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDSMMIGFSAddUpdateoptions filesystemSpec


Adds space management to your file systems.
Updates one or more space management settings for a file system to which you added space management.

If you change the high and low thresholds or the premigration percentage, the new values take effect immediately. If you change the stub file size, the new size is used for files that are migrated after the change. The size of existing stub files does not change.

If you change the minmigfilesize option value, the new value is used the next time a migration candidates list is built. Also, the new value is used only for files that are migrated after the value is changed.

If you change the readstartsrecall option value, the new value is used only for files that are migrated after the value is changed.

You can set the quota to less than the amount of currently migrated and premigrated data. No more files are migrated until automatic and selective recalls reduce the amount of currently migrated and premigrated data to less than the new quota.

Specifies a file system name. You can specify more than one file system name, and you can use wildcard characters within a file system name. If you specify more than one file system name, separate each name with one or more blank spaces.
Use the option settings that are provided for this command to add or update space management settings.
On GPFS file systems, you can use the GPFS policy engine to monitor space thresholds and search for migration candidates. If you configure the GPFS policy engine to drive automatic migration, the following options for the dsmmigfs command have no consequence:
  • hthreshold
  • lthreshold
  • maxcandidates
  • maxfiles
  • minpartialrecallsize
  • minmigfilesize
Specifies the high threshold percentage that you set for space usage on your file systems. Specify a value of 0 -100 percent. The default is 90 percent.
Specifies the low threshold percentage that you set for space usage on your file systems. Specify a value of 0 through 100 percent. The default is 80 percent.
Specifies the path and file name of the error log file to be used by this command. Output from only this command is logged to the specified file. Other commands and daemons write output to the error log file specified by the errorlogname option in options file dsm.sys or dsm.opt, or as specified by the DSM_LOG environment variable. If any part of the path you specify does not exist, the space management client creates it.
Specifies how a backup operation handles a migrated file. This option applies only if backup operations are processed on migrated files.

If the inlinecopymode option is set to MIG and a migrated file is a candidate for a backup the file will be cloned inside the space management storage pool in the IBM Spectrum Protect server. The clone of the file will be stored in the backup storage pool in the IBM Spectrum Protect server. This operation is called inline copy.

If the inlinecopymode option is set to PREMIG and a premigrated or a migrated file is a candidate for backup the file the inline copy will happen.
If the inlinecopymode option is set to OFF and a migrated file is a candidate for backup the file will be recalled and the file state will change to premigrated. Then the backup processing will happen.
Note: The backup of a migrated file is impossible if the hsmoptimizedrecallonly option is set to YES, and inlinecopymode option is set to OFF.
The inline copy function will be automatically disabled if one of the following takes place:
  • The space management storage pool and the backup storage pool are not stored in the same IBM Spectrum Protect server instance.
  • The file to be backed up has ACL or extended attribute metadata.
  • The inline copy prevents data transfer between the IBM Spectrum Protect backup-archive client and the IBM Spectrum Protect server for backup processing and can be used if the file has a valid copy in the space management storage pool.
  • IBM Spectrum Protect container storage pools do not support cloning. If container storage pools are used for space management data the inlinecopymode option must be set to OFF.
The default value is MIG.
Specifies the path and file name of the log file to be used by this command. The kinds of events that are logged to the file are specified with the hsmlogeventflags option. Error events are not logged to the file.
Specifies the maximum number of migration candidates the dsmscoutd daemon delivers to the automatic migration process during automigration. A value 50 - 1000 is sufficient for good performance. The acceptable range is 9 - 9999999. The default is 10000.
Specifies the maximum number of files for which the CFI database is sized. The acceptable range is 0 - 4294967295. The default is 0.

If the specified value is less than the number of currently used blocks, an error occurs. The value must be greater than the current number of files in the file system. The value must be less than the total likely number of inodes.

You can configure the size of the complete file index (CFI). This value can be queried or set with the maxfiles parameter. If this parameter is set to 0, the CFI allocates the maximum required space. The maximum required space is the maximum number of blocks that are possible in the file system. Less file system space is needed to create the CFI. If the specified value is out of bounds, the nearest boundary is used to allocate the configurable CFI size.

Specifies the minimum size (in bytes) for a file to qualify for migration. The size is the space that a file occupies on the file system. Valid values are 0 - 2147483647. The default is 0. If you specify 0, the space management client uses the current file system stub size plus 1 byte as the minimum size for files that can be migrated. If you specify a nonzero value, the value must be greater than the current file system stub size. A valid value for a file system takes precedence over the global minmigfilesize option setting that is specified in the dsm.sys file.
Specifies the minimum size (in megabytes) for a file to qualify for partial file recall. The acceptable range is 0 - 999999999. The default value of 0 disables partial file recall for all files.

Valid only on GPFS file systems.


Specifies the minimum file size (in megabytes) for streaming recall mode. Streaming recall mode is set for files that are larger than the value of the minstreamfilesize option. Smaller files are recalled in normal recall mode.

Valid values are 0 - 999999999. The default is 0.

During a streaming recall, the recalled part of the file can be accessed before the complete file is recalled.

Note: Regardless of the STREAMSeq value, all incoming read data events are pending until at least the MINStreamfilesize value is first recalled. All subsequent read data events are responded to as soon as the STREAMSeq value portion, that covers the appropriate read data event offset, is written back to the local file system.
Specifies the percentage of file system space that is available to contain premigrated files. The minimum value is 0. The maximum value is the low threshold. A warning is displayed if the premigration percentage is greater than the difference between the low threshold and the minimum size of the file system. A premigration percentage greater than this difference can result in insufficient space for the file system, and can result in endless attempts to find premigration candidates.
Specifies the preview size of the stub file. Valid values are 0 - 1,073,741,824, and must not be greater than the stub size.

When the attributes are set and the preview size is defined, a recall operation begins only when an application reads the stub file beyond the preview section of the stub file. If an operation reads only the preview section of the stub file, the file is not recalled.

Specifies the maximum number of megabytes of data that you can migrate and premigrate from your file system to IBM Spectrum Protect storage. Specify a value from 0 to 999999999999999. The default is the number of megabytes that are allocated for your file system. If you set the quota to 0 for your file system, files do not migrate to storage. If you set the quota to 999999999999999, the amount of data you can migrate and premigrate is unlimited.
Specifies the maximum time of inactivity (in seconds) before a streaming recall process times out. The acceptable range is 0 - 999999999. A value of 999999999 means that a streaming recall process does not time out. The default value is 600. This option applies to streaming recall mode only.
Specifies whether a recall operation starts when an application reads the stub file.

This option applies only if streaming recall mode is set.

If the previewsize option is set for the stub file, a recall operation starts only when an application reads beyond the preview section of the stub file.

The default value is No.

Regardless of the value of the readstartsrecall option, the file is recalled when either of the following conditions are true:
  • The recall daemon determines that the stub file does not contain all of the data that is required by a read operation.
  • An operation modifies the file.
Overrides the default migration server for this file system. Specify the server to contact for space management services. Define the server in a stanza in your dsm.sys file. If you do not specify a server name, the default migration server that you defined is used. Use a dash (–) to set the server to the default migration server.
Specifies the number of megabytes that are buffered before the recall daemon flushes the data to disk. The acceptable range is 0 - 1024. The default value of 0 means that buffering is disabled. This option applies only to streaming recall mode.
Specifies the size of stub files that remain on the file system when files are migrated to storage.

For the space management client on GPFS file systems, you can specify 0 or a multiple of the file system block size. The default value is 0.

For all file system types, the maximum value for a stub file size is 1 GB.

If HSM is globally deactivated on a node (dsmmigfs globaldeactivate), it is reset to active state, if one of the following commands are performed:

  • dsmmigfs add
  • dsmmigfs remove
  • dsmmigfs update
  • dsmmigfs takeover
  • dsmmigfs rollback
  • dsmmigfs globalreactivate


Commands are provided for the example tasks.

Task Command
Add space management to the /hsmmanagedfs1 file system. Set the space to the maximum number of blocks in the file system. dsmmigfs Add -MAXFiles=0 /hsmmanagedfs1
Update the space management settings for the /hsmmanagedfs2 file system. Set the space (number of blocks) to the specified number. dsmmigfs update -MAXFiles=10000000 /hsmmanagedfs2
Add space management to the /home file system. Set the high threshold to 80 percent. Set the low threshold to 70 percent. Set the size of stub files to 256K (KB). dsmmigfs Add -HT=80 -L=70 -STUBS=256k /home
Add space management to more than one file system and accept the default values for all space management settings. dsmmigfs Add /home /test1 /proj*
Update the space management settings for the /home file system as follows:
  • Change the high threshold to 80 percent.
  • Change the low threshold to 70 percent.
  • Set the size of stub files to 1 megabyte.
dsmmigfs Update -HT=80 -L=70 -STUBS=1m /home
Specify the minimum size of files in the /home/user1 file system that are recalled with partial file recall. dsmmigfs Update -minp=100 /home/user1
Specify that the minimum size for a file that can be migrated from the /home/user2 file system is 1 megabyte. dsmmigfs Update -minm=1048576 /home/user2
Add space management to the /myfs file system. Set the high threshold to 80 percent. Set the low threshold to 50 percent. Set the space (number of blocks) to the specified number. dsmmigfs add -maxfiles=1000000 -lt=50 -ht=80 -pm=10 /myfs
When a file is migrated from the /myfs file system, create a stub file with the following specifications:
  • The stub size is 32,768 bytes.
  • The stub preview size is 16,384 bytes.
  • If an application reads more than the preview size of the stub file, and the file is greater than 2 MB, recall the file.
dsmmigfs update -stubs=32768 -preview=16384 -minstreamfilesize=2 readstartsrecall=yes /myfs