Cmdlets for protecting Microsoft Exchange Server data

The following table identifies the cmdlets that you can use to protect Microsoft Exchange Server data.

Table 1. Cmdlets to protect Microsoft Exchange Server data. The following table identifies the cmdlets that you can use to protect Microsoft Exchange Server data.
Cmdlet name Related command-line interface command Short description
Add-DpExcPolicy tdpexcc create policy Create a policy for Data Protection for Exchange Server.
Backup-DpExcComponent tdpexcc backup Back up a Microsoft Exchange Server database.
Copy-DpExcPolicy tdpexcc copy policy Copy an existing policy.
Dismount-DpExcBackup tdpexcc unmount backup Dismount a backup.
Get-DpExcBackup tdpexcc query tsm * Query backups.
Get-DpExcComponent tdpexcc query exchange Query the Exchange Server for all databases that are available for backup.
Get-DpExcConfig tdpexcc query tdp Display configuration information.
Get-DpExcConnection tdpexcc query tsm Query a list of the current values set in the configuration file for IBM Spectrum Protect.
Get-DpExcInformation tdpexcc query exchange Query general local Exchange Server information.
Get-DpExcMailboxLocationHistory tdpexcc q tsm /showMailboxInfo Query the mailbox location history.
Get-DpExcManagedCapacity tdpexcc query managedcapacity Query managed capacity for Microsoft Exchange Server.
Get-DpExcPolicy tdpexcc query policy Display policy information.
Mount-DpExcBackup tdpexcc mount backup Mount a backup to provide access to the files that the backup contains.

You can mount a backup as read-only or read/write.

Remove-DpExcBackup tdpexcc delete backup Remove the backup.
Remove-DpExcPolicy tdpexcc delete policy Delete the policy.
Reset-DpExcTsmPassword tdpexcc changetsmpassword Change the IBM Spectrum Protect password used by Data Protection for Exchange Server.
Restore-DpExcBackup tdpexcc restore Restore a backup.
Restore-DpExcMailbox tdpexcc restore mailbox Restore a mailbox.
Set-DpExcConfig tdpexcc set paramname Set the application configuration parameters in a configuration file.
Set-DpExcPolicy tdpexcc update policy Update a policy.
To view the details about a specific cmdlet, run the Get-Help cmdlet with the cmdlet name. For example:
Get-Help Backup-DpExcComponent
To continue the example, to see examples for the cmdlet, enter:
get-help Backup-DpExcComponent -examples
For more information, enter:
get-help Backup-DpExcComponent -detailed
For technical information, enter:
get-help Backup-DpExcComponent -full
For online product information, enter:
get-help Backup-DpExcComponent -online
For information about a specific parameter, enter:
help Backup-DpExcComponent -Parameter backupdestination
To display the help in a separate window, include the -showwindow parameter with the help command.