Inactivate optional parameters

Optional parameters follow the inactivate command and positional parameters.

The following are detailed descriptions of each of the optional parameters:
The /configfile parameter specifies the name of the Data Protection for SQL Server configuration file, which contains the values for the Data Protection for SQL Server configurable options.
  • configfilename can include a fully qualified path. If configfilename does not include a path, it uses the directory where Data Protection for SQL Server is installed.
  • If configfilename includes spaces, place it in double quotes.
  • If you do not specify /configfile, the default value is tdpsql.cfg.
  • If you specify /configfile but not configfilename, the default value tdpsql.cfg is used.
The /fromsqlserver parameter specifies the SQL Server that backup objects were backed up from. This parameter is necessary only when the name of the SQL Server to deactivate from, as determined by the /sqlserver parameter, is different from the name of the SQL Server that the backup objects were created from. The default value is the /sqlserver value or the value set in the Data Protection for SQL Server configuration file. If the two SQL Server names are different, you must use this parameter even if /fromsqlserver was a non-clustered default instance.
The /logfile parameter specifies the name of the activity log that is generated by Data Protection for SQL Server. This activity log records significant events such as completed commands and error messages. The Data Protection for SQL Server activity log is distinct from the SQL Server error log. The logfilename variable identifies the name to be used for the activity log generated by Data Protection for SQL Server.
  • If the specified file does not exist, it is created. If it does exist, new log entries are appended to the file.
  • The file name can include a fully-qualified path; however, if you specify no path, the file is written to the directory where Data Protection for SQL Server is installed.
  • You cannot turn Data Protection for SQL Server activity logging off. If you do not specify /logfile, log records are written to the default log file. The default log file is tdpsql.log.
  • When using multiple simultaneous instances of Data Protection for SQL Server to perform operations, use the /logfile parameter to specify a different log file for each instance used. This directs logging for each instance to a different log file and prevents interspersed log file records. Failure to specify a different log file for each instance can result in unreadable log files.

When you prune log data, you can discard some of the generated logs according to detailed filtering criteria that you set. Depending on the option that you set for the /LOGPrune parameter, a certain number of days of data are saved. By default, 60 days of log entries are saved. The option No can be entered to disable log pruning.

Regardless of the option that you set for this parameter, you can explicitly request log pruning at any time.

  • For numdays, the range is 0 to 9999. A value of 0 deletes all entries in the activity log file except for the current command entries.
  • If you specify no, the log file is not pruned.
  • If you do not specify /LOGPrune, the default value is that specified by the logprune configurable option in the configuration file. The default value is 60.
  • If you specify /LOGPrune, its value is used instead of the value that is stored in the configuration file. Specifying this parameter does not change the value in the configuration file.
  • You can specify /LOGPrune without specifying numdays or no; in this case, the default value, 60, is used.
  • Changes to the value of the TIMEformat or DATEformat parameter can result in an unwanted pruning of the log file. If you are running a command that might prune the log file, and the value of the TIMEformat or DATEformat parameter is changed, complete one of the following to prevent unintentional pruning of the log file:
    • Make a copy of the existing log file.
    • Specify a new log file with the /LOGFile parameter or logfile setting.
This parameter specifies that only particular backup objects for the specified SQL Server databases and backup object type (if specified) be deactivated. The objectname variable specifies the names of the backup objects you want to deactivate. The object name uniquely identifies each backup object and is created by Data Protection for SQL Server. Use query to view the names of backup objects. You can use * as a wildcard character in objectname to replace zero or more characters for each occurrence. Specifying only the wildcard character indicates all backup objects of the specified SQL Server databases and backup object type.
This parameter specifies how old a backup object must be before the command can deactivate it.
  • The numdaysold variable can range from 0 to 9999.
  • If you specify 0, you deactivate all selected backup objects.
  • If you specify 1, you deactivate all selected backup objects created prior to the current date. Any part of a day counts as a whole day.
  • There is no default value for /olderthan.
The /quiet parameter omits displaying status information from the command. However, the information is appended to the Data Protection for SQL Server activity log.
The /tsmnode parameter specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect node name that Data Protection for SQL Server uses to log on to the IBM Spectrum Protect server. This identifies which IBM Spectrum Protect client is requesting services. You can also store the node name in the options file. The command line parameter overrides the value in the options file.
  • You cannot use the /tsmnode parameter if PASSWORDACCESS GENERATE is specified in the IBM Spectrum Protect options file. You must specify the nodename in the options file. Otherwise, you can change PASSWORDACCESS to PROMPT to utilize the /tsmnode parameter. For more information about the IBM Spectrum Protect options file, see Creating and modifying the client system-options file .
  • If you do not specify /tsmnode, the default value is that specified by the nodename option in the IBM Spectrum Protect options file. Specifying this parameter does not change the value in the options file.
The /tsmoptfile parameter specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect options file to use. This is similar to selecting an IBM Spectrum Protect server from the server list in the GUI. The IBM Spectrum Protect options file contains the configuration values for the IBM Spectrum Protect API.
  • The tsmoptfilename variable can include a fully qualified path. If you do not include a path, the directory where Data Protection for SQL Server is installed is used.
  • If tsmoptfilename includes spaces, you must enclose it in double quotes.
  • If you do not specify /tsmoptfile, the default value is dsm.opt.
  • If you specify /tsmoptfile but not tsmoptfilename, the default is also dsm.opt.
The /tsmpassword parameter specifies the IBM Spectrum Protect password that Data Protection for SQL Server uses to log on to the IBM Spectrum Protect server. This parameter and the option PASSWORDACCESS in the IBM Spectrum Protect options file interact in the following ways:
/tsmpassword PASSWORDACCESS in IBM Spectrum Protect options file Password already stored in registry? Result
specified generate yes /tsmpassword ignored
specified generate no /tsmpassword used and stored
specified prompt /tsmpassword used
not specified prompt user is prompted