Batch files usage in silent installations

You can create a batch file to begin the silent installation with the parameters that you want to use.

The following script is a sample script (c:\setup.bat) of an unattended installation:

@echo off
 rem ===================================
 rem sample silent install script
 call x:\fcm\x64\mmc\4140\enu\setup.exe /s 
 /v"INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Tivoli\" ADDLOCAL=\"Client\" TRANSFORM=1033.mst
 REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn /l*v \"C:\Temp\DpSqlMmcSetupLog.txt\""
 call x:\fcm\x64\sql\7140\enu\setup.exe /s 
 /v"INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm\" ADDLOCAL=\"Client\" 
 TRANSFORM=1033.mst REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn /l*v \"C:\Temp\DpSqlSetupLog.txt\"" 
 rem ====================================
 rem code could be added after the
 rem installation completes to
 rem customize the dsm.opt files 
 rem if desired
 rem ====================================