Deploying the software to nodes

To deploy and use the IBM Spectrum Virtualize™ software on a server, you need to install and activate the software.

Before you begin

Prepare a bootable USB flash drive from the downloaded software package by using dd.

GNU/Linus Torvalds Linux example:

Determine the correct device name for the USB flash drive (/dev/sdx in the following example). Because the dd command deletes all data on the destination device, it is important that the USB flash drive is selected as the destination device.
# dd bs=4M if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress && sync
Microsoft Windows Cygwin example:
  1. Place your image file in your home directory:
  2. Run cygwin as administrator, which is required for cygwin to access hardware. To write to your USB flash drive, enter the following command:
    dd if=image.iso of=\\.\x: bs=4M

    Where image.iso is the path to the iso image file within the cygwin directory and \\.\x: is your USB flash drive where x is the windows designated letter, such as \\.\d:.

    On Cygwin 6.0, enter the following command to find out the correct partition:
    cat /proc/partitions
    Attention: The following command irrevocably deletes all files on your USB flash drive. Make sure that you do not have any important files on the flash drive before you use this command.
    Write the ISO image with the information from the output:
    dd if=image.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=4M

Use the USB flash drive to install the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software on as many supported servers as you require for your system. Obtain a per-node activation key from IBM® to enable each server to become a unique IBM Spectrum Virtualize node. The software works correctly only on a server that was booted in UEFI mode, not in legacy mode. You must ensure that your servers' BIOS is set to UEFI boot and not to legacy boot.


  1. Create the USB flash drive from the downloaded software by following the preceding instructions.
  2. Attach a monitor and keyboard to the server.
  3. With the server powered off, insert the USB flash drive into one of the USB ports.
  4. Power on the system, enter the BIOS, and ensure that the boot disks are set to JBOD mode. For more information about how to do this task, contact your server manufacturer. Once the boot disks are in JBOD mode, proceed to boot from the inserted USB flash drive. The first-time installation software partitions the boot drives of the server, installs a secure operating system, and installs the software.
  5. Make a note of this node's six-character unique node ID, which is presented on the screen during the installation.
  6. Go to the IBM website:
  7. Obtain the unique node activation key for the corresponding unique node ID that is mentioned in step 5. Store this activation key on your local workstation for use in subsequent installation steps.
  8. When prompted to do so, remove the USB flash drive to reboot the server from the secure operating system. Press C to continue.
    The server might reboot more than one time.
    Note: No firmware, basic input/output system (BIOS), or baseboard management controller (BMC) update occurs when you deploy the software.
  9. If no other hardware problems need attention, the node comes up in service state with a 600 code.
  10. Attach a workstation or notebook to the technician port of the server. This port is the first Ethernet port that the system identifies, excluding any dedicated management interfaces. The web browser automatically goes to the management GUI interface. If other hardware problems need attention, the web browser goes to the service assistant interface so that these problems can be addressed.
  11. Follow the instructions on the management GUI to upload the activation key to the node.
  12. Complete the remaining instructions on the management GUI to finish node initialization.


The node is now in candidate state and ready for deployment in a functional system.

What to do next

Use the candidate node to make the initial IBM Spectrum Virtualize system, or add the node to an existing IBM Spectrum Virtualize system. For more information, see the system initialization instructions.

To restore the USB flash drive as an empty, usable storage device for other uses, delete the file system on the USB flash drive by using the command:
wipefs --all /dev/sdx
Then repartition and reformat the USB flash drive.