Removing a resource plan

You can remove existing slot-based resource plans that you have created within the system. For example, you can remove plans that are no longer applicable for your business needs, or remove ones that you have made in error. You can also remove the default plan, but only if it is the only remaining plan.

Before you begin

You must have EGO_RESPLAN_VIEW and EGO_RESPLAN_MODIFY permission to remove resource plans.


  1. Log on to the cluster management console as a cluster administrator.
  2. Select Resources > Resource Planning (Slot) > Resource Plans.

    The Resource Plan page displays.

  3. Optional: By default, you see only enabled resource plans. To see all plans, including disabled plans which are note currently used, check the Show Disabled Plans check box.
  4. Select the tab for the resoure plan you want to remove.
  5. Click Delete Plan.


The system removes the selected resource plan.