Locating the multicluster management console

Follow this task to locate and log in to the multicluster management console from a browser.


  1. From a command console, run egosh client view and look for CLIENT NAME: GUIURL_1.
    The DESCRIPTION shows a URL similar to the following:
    • With security enabled by default: https://Host_M:8443/platform
    • With security disabled: http://Host_M:8080/platform
    where Host_M is the host name of the multicluster management console web server.
  2. Launch a web browser and navigate to the URL of the web server.

    When accessing the multicluster management console after installation, you will be prompted to complete additional configurations for your cluster from the multicluster management console. Ensure that you follow the wizard to complete the configuration.

    If you cannot start the multicluster management console, go to $EGO_TOP/kernel/log (Linux®) or Installation_top\kernel\log (Windows) on the web server and check the following log files:
    • lim.log.host_name
    • vemkd.log.host_name
  3. Web server communication is by default secured over TLS. If you disabled security during installation (by setting the DISABLESSL=Y environment variable), skip this step. Otherwise, when the browser prompts you about an untrusted connection, follow these steps to import the web server certificate:

    These steps apply only if you are using the default self-signed certificate. If you are using a properly chained certificate that is issued or signed by a trusted certificate authority in a production environment, follow the instructions provided by your certificate authority.

    • If you are using Chrome on Windows, complete the following steps:
      1. From the browser, click Settings > Advanced > Privacy and Security > Manage Certificates > Import.
      2. Follow the Certificate Import Wizard, import the downloaded cacert.pem, click Place all certificates in the following store, click Browse, select Trusted Root Certification Authorities, and click OK.
      3. Complete the wizard and accept any additional prompts.
      4. Restart the browser, if required.
    • If you are using Chrome on Mac OS, complete the following steps. You are required to enter your Keychain password for some of these steps:
      1. Double-click the cacert.pem file in the Finder.
      2. In the Add Certificates window, select System from the Keychain drop-down menu.
      3. Click Add.
      4. In the Keychain Access window, select the System tab and double-click the imported certificate.
      5. Under Trust, select Always Trust for all of the drop-down options.
      6. Exit the Keychain and restart the browser.
    • If you are using Firefox on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS, complete the following steps:
      1. Click Firefox > Settings > Privacy & Security > View Certificates.
      2. Click the Authorities tab and click Import.
      3. Select the certificate from the location where it is saved on your system.
      4. When prompted to trust a new CA, ensure that you select Trust this CA to identify websites and click OK.
      5. Restart the browser, if required.
    • If you are using Microsoft Edge, complete the following steps:
      1. When the browser prompts you about a security certificate, click Continue to this website (not recommended).
      2. Click Certificate error in the address bar; then, View Certificates.
      3. In the Certificate dialog, click the Certification Path tab.
      4. Select IBM® Spectrum Computing Root CA (SHA256) and click View.
      5. If all looks well, click the General tab and click Install Certificate....
      6. In the Certificate Import Wizard, click Place all certificates in the following store, click Browse, select Trusted Root Certification Authorities, and click OK.
      7. Complete the wizard and accept any additional prompts.
      8. Restart the browser, if required.
  4. Log in to the multicluster management console using Username: Admin and Password: Admin.

What to do next

Once you log in to the multicluster management console, you can create new users and begin using IBM Spectrum Symphony.