Using remote access with multiple network definitions

GPFS permits the use of both public and private IP address. Private IP addresses are typically used to communicate on private networks.

Private IP addresses are on one of these subnets:
See RFC 1597 - Address Allocation for Private Internets ( for more information.

Use the mmchconfig command, subnets attribute, to specify the private IP addresses to be accessed by GPFS.

Figure 1 describes an AIX® cluster named CL1 with nodes named CL1N1, CL1N2, and so forth, a Linux® cluster named CL2 with nodes named CL2N1, CL2N2, and another Linux cluster named CL3 with a node named CL3N1. Both Linux clusters have public Ethernet connectivity, and a Gigabit Ethernet configured with private IP addresses ( through, not connected to the public Ethernet. The InfiniBand Switch on the AIX cluster CL1 is configured using public IP addresses on the 7.2.24/13 subnet and is accessible from the outside.

With the use of both public and private IP addresses for some of the nodes, the setup works as follows:
  1. All clusters must be created using host names or IP addresses that correspond to the public network.
  2. Using the mmchconfig command for the CL1 cluster, add the attribute: subnets=

    This allows all CL1 nodes to communicate using the InfiniBand Switch. Remote mounts between CL2 and CL1 will use the public Ethernet for TCP/IP communication, since the CL2 nodes are not on the subnet.

    GPFS assumes subnet specifications for private networks are independent between clusters (private networks are assumed not physically connected between clusters). The remaining steps show how to indicate that a private network is shared between clusters.

  3. Using the mmchconfig command for the CL2 cluster, add the subnets=';' attribute. Alternatively, regular expressions are allowed here, such as subnets='[23]'. See note 2 for the syntax allowed for the regular expressions.

    This attribute indicates that the private network extends to all nodes in clusters CL2 or CL3. This way, any two nodes in the CL2 and CL3 clusters can communicate through the Gigabit Ethernet.

    This setting allows all CL2 nodes to communicate over their Gigabit Ethernet. Matching with the cluster list for allows remote mounts between clusters CL2 and CL3 to communicate over their Gigabit Ethernet.

  4. Using the mmchconfig command for the CL3 cluster, add the subnets=';' attribute, alternatively subnets='[32]'.

    This attribute indicates that the private network extends to all nodes in clusters CL2 or CL3. This way, any two nodes in the CL2 and CL3 clusters can communicate through the Gigabit Ethernet.

    Matching of with the cluster list for allows all CL3 nodes to communicate over their Gigabit Ethernet, and matching with that list allows remote mounts between clusters CL3 and CL2 to communicate over their Gigabit Ethernet.

Use the subnets attribute of the mmchconfig command when you wish the GPFS cluster to leverage additional, higher performance network connections that are available to the nodes in the cluster, or between clusters.

  1. IBM Spectrum Scale 5.1.5 introduces the Multi-Rail Over TCP (MROT) feature that enables the use of multiple subnets. With MROT, the subnets attribute can be used to establish fault tolerance or automatic failover. All the interfaces corresponding to the IP addresses in the list are used. If some of them are down, GPFS will try to use the others for communication. In versions which do not have MROT implemented, use of the subnets attribute does not ensure a highly available system. If the GPFS daemon is using the IP address specified by the subnets attribute, and that interface goes down, GPFS does not switch to the other network. You can use the mmdiag --network command option to verify that the subnet is being used.
  2. Each subnet can be listed at most once in each cluster. For example, specifying:
    where the subnet is listed twice, is not allowed. Therefore, subnets that span multiple clusters have to be assigned a cluster name pattern or a semicolon-separated cluster name list. It is possible to combine these, for example, items in semicolon-separated cluster lists can be plain names or regular expressions, as in the following:
    The following shows examples of patterns that are accepted:
    [af3] matches letters 'a' and 'f', and number 3
    [0-7] matches numbers 0, 1, ... 7
    [a-p0-7] matches letter a, b, ... p and numbers from 0 to 7 inclusive
    * matches any sequence of characters
    ? matches any (one) character

    With MROT when the subnets attribute lists multiple subnets, and if any of these multiple subnets are in both the local cluster and a specified remote cluster, then all the common subnets are used for communication. In versions which do not have MROT implemented, then only the first subnet that is common in the list is used for communication between the local and remote clusters.

    As an example, suppose that the subnets attribute is set as follows, on cluster

    With MROT, if node CL2N1 on cluster has network interfaces with IP addresses and, and node CLN31 on cluster has network interfaces with IP addresses and then the communication between these two nodes will flow over the and subnets. The CL2N1 node uses the network interfaces with IP address and The node CLN31 uses the network interfaces with IP address and

    In versions which do not have MROT implemented, the communication between these two nodes will flow over the subnet, with CL2N1 using the interface with IP address, and CLN31 using the interface with IP address

    Specifying a cluster name or a cluster name pattern for each subnet is only needed when a private network is shared across clusters. If the use of a private network is confined within the local cluster, then no cluster name is required in the subnet specification.

Figure 1. Use of public and private IP addresses in three GPFS clusters
This figure describes an AIX cluster named CL1 with nodes named CL1N1, CL1N2, and so forth, a Linux cluster named CL2 with nodes named CL2N1, CL2N2, and another Linux cluster named CL3 with a node named CL3N1. Both Linux clusters have public Ethernet connectivity to the outside, and a Gigabit Ethernet configured with private IP addresses ( through, not connected to the public Ethernet. The InfiniBand Switch on the AIX cluster, CL1 is configured using public IP addresses on the 7.2.24/13 subnet, and is accessible from the outside.