Generating static provisioning manifests

To generate static provisioning manifests (PV and PVC), run the following script:
For CSI 2.10.x, you can issue the following command to download the script:
curl -O
Note: This script must be run on the IBM Storage Scale cluster node.
Usage of the script is as follows:

Usage: ./
              -f|--filesystem <Name of Volume's Source Filesystem>	          
              -l|--path <full Path of Volume in Primary Filesystem>              
              -F|--fileset <name of source fileset>
              -s|--size <size in GB>
              -u|--username <Username of IBM Storage Scale GUI user account>
              -p|--password <Password of IBM Storage Scale GUI user account>
              -r|--guihost <HostName(or route) used to access IBM Storage Scale GUI service running on Primary Cluster>
             [-P|--pvname <name for pv>]
             [-c|--storageclass <StorageClass for pv>]
             [-a|--accessmode <AccessMode for pv>]
Note: --path and --fileset options are mutually exclusive. At least one of the options must be specified.
Example 1: Directory based static volume
The following example illustrates how to create a volume from a directory /mnt/fs1/staticpv within the file system 'fs1'.
./ --filesystem fs1 --path /mnt/fs1/staticpv --size 10 --pvname mystaticpv --guihost
Example 2: Fileset based volume
The following example illustrates how to create a volume from a fileset 'fileset1' within the file system 'fs1'.
./ --filesystem fs1 --fileset f1 --size 10 --pvname mystaticpv --guihost
Note: The Path specified for option --path must be valid a gpfs path from the primary file system.