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QUERY DEDUPSTATS (Query data deduplication statistics)

Use this command to display information about data deduplication statistics for a directory-container storage pool or a cloud storage pool. You can display statistics for an entire storage pool or for data from a specified group of client nodes.

You must issue the GENERATE DEDUPSTATS command before you can issue the QUERY DEDUPSTATS command.

Privilege class

Any administrator can issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram Query DEDUPSTats pool_name ,node_namenode_group_name*,filespace_name,FSIDFormat=StandardFormat=StandardDetailedSUMmaryCODEType=BOTHCODEType=UNIcodeNONUNIcodeBOTHNAMEType=SERVERNAMEType=SERVERUNIcodeFSIDBEGINDate=dateBEGINTime=timeENDDate=dateENDTime=timeALLSTats=NoALLSTats=YesNoREPortid=report_idDESCription=description


Specifies the name of the directory-container storage pool whose data is contained in the data deduplication statistics. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all storage pools are displayed. You can specify up to 30 characters for the storage pool name. If you specify more than 30 characters, the command fails.
Restriction: You can specify directory-container storage pools or cloud storage pools only.
node_name or node_group_name
Specifies the name of the client node or defined group of client nodes that is reported in the data deduplication statistics. You can also specify a combination of client node names and client-node group names. This parameter is optional. To specify multiple client node names or client-node group names, separate the names with commas with no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters with client node names but not with client-node group names. The specified value can have a maximum of 1024 characters.
filespace_name or FSID
Specifies the names of one or more file spaces that contain the data to be included in the data deduplication statistics. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all file spaces are displayed. You can specify more than one file space by separating the names with commas and no intervening spaces. The specified value can have a maximum of 1024 characters.
For a server that has clients with support for file spaces that are in Unicode format, you can enter either a file space name or a file space identifier (FSID). If you enter a file space name, you might need to have the server convert the file space name that you enter. For example, you might need to have the server convert the name that you enter from the server's code page to Unicode.
Restrictions: The following restrictions apply to file space names and FSIDs:
  • You must specify a node name if you specify a file space name.
  • Do not mix file space names and FSIDs in the same command.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that partial information is displayed for the specified data deduplication sets. This is the default.
Specifies that complete information is displayed for the specified data deduplication sets.
Specifies that summarized status is displayed for data deduplication sets that are in the same group, as defined by the REPORTID parameter.
Specify what type of file spaces to include in the operation. The default value is BOTH, which specifies that file spaces are included regardless of code page type. Use this parameter only when you enter a single wildcard character for the file space name. Specify one of the following values:
Include file spaces that are in Unicode format.
Include file spaces that are not in Unicode format.
Include file spaces regardless of code page type. This is the default.
Specify how you want the server to interpret the file space names that you enter. This parameter is useful when the server has clients with support for file spaces that are in Unicode format. You can use this parameter for IBM Spectrum Protect clients that use Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh OS X operating systems.
Use this parameter only when you enter a node name and a file space name or FSID.
Restriction: When you specify this parameter, the file space name cannot contain a wildcard.

Specify one of the following values:

The server uses the server's code page to interpret the file space names. This is the default.
The server converts the file space name that is entered from the server code page to the UTF-8 code page. The success of the conversion depends on the actual characters in the name and the server's code page. Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are not available in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system conversion routines.
The server interprets the file space names as their FSIDs.
Specifies the start date to query data deduplication statistics. This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter with the BEGINTIME parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify a begin date without a begin time, the time is at 12 midnight on the date you specify.
Restriction: You can specify this parameter only when you specify the ALLSTATS=YES parameter.
Specify one of the following values:
Value Description Example
MM/DD/YYYY A specific date. 09/15/2015
TODAY The current date. TODAY
TODAY-days or days The current date minus days specified. TODAY -3 or -3.
EOLM (End Of Last Month) The last day of the previous month. EOLM
EOLM-days The last day of the previous month minus days specified. EOLM-1

To include records that were active a day before the last day of the previous month.

BOTM (Beginning Of This Month) The first day of the current month. BOTM
BOTM+days The first day of the current month, plus days specified. BOTM+9

To include records that were active on the 10th day of the current month.

Specifies the start time to query the data deduplication statistics. This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter with the BEGINDATE parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify a begin time without a begin date, the date is the current date at the time you specify.
Restriction: You can specify this parameter only when you specify the ALLSTATS=YES parameter.
Specify one of the following values:
Value Description Example
HH:MM:SS A specific time. 10:30:08
NOW The current time. NOW
NOW+HH:MM or +HH:MM The current time plus hours and minutes specified. NOW+02:00 or +02:00.
NOW-HH:MM or-HH:MM The current time minus hours and minutes specified. NOW-02:00 or –02:00.
Specifies the end date to query data deduplication statistics. This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter with the ENDTIME parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify an end date without an end time, the time is at 11:59:59 p.m. on the specified end date.
Restriction: You can specify this parameter only when you specify the ALLSTATS=YES parameter.
Specify one of the following values:
Value Description Example
MM/DD/YYYY A specific date 09/15/1999
TODAY The current date TODAY
TODAY-days or -days The current date minus days specified. TODAY -3 or -3.
EOLM (End Of Last Month) The last day of the previous month. EOLM
EOLM-days The last day of the previous month minus days specified. EOLM-1

To include records that were active a day before the last day of the previous month.

BOTM (Beginning Of This Month) The first day of the current month. BOTM
BOTM+days The first day of the current month, plus days specified. BOTM+9

To include records that were active on the 10th day of the current month.

Specifies the end time of the range to query the data deduplication statistics. This parameter is optional. You can use this parameter with the ENDDATE parameter to specify a range for the date and time. If you specify an end time without an end date, the date is the current date at the time you specify.
Restriction: You can specify this parameter only when you specify the ALLSTATS=YES parameter.
Specify one of the following values:
Value Description Example
HH:MM:SS A specific time. 10:30:08
NOW The current time. NOW
NOW+HH:MM or +HH:MM The current time plus hours and minutes on the specified end date NOW+02:00 or +02:00.
NOW-HH:MM or -HH:MM The current time minus hours and minutes on the specified end date NOW-02:00 or -02:00.
Specifies whether to display all data deduplication statistics or only the most recently generated data deduplication statistics. This parameter is optional. Specify one of the following values:
Displays only data deduplication statistics that were most recently generated for each node and file space.
Displays all data deduplication statistics.
Specifies an ID for a set of data deduplication statistics that is generated on a specific day for specified nodes, file spaces, or both. For example, if you generate statistics on 30 September 2018 for a node list (TEST1, TEST2, TEST3, and MYGROUP1) and a file space list (FS1, FS2, and /tmp*), a report ID (for example, 1) is assigned to that set. If statistics are generated for the same nodes and file spaces on the next day, a new report ID (for example, 2) is assigned to that set. This parameter is optional.
Specifies a description of the generated statistics. This parameter is optional.

Example: View data deduplication statistics in standard format

Display data deduplication statistics for a storage pool that is named POOL1. The data deduplication statistics are for node NODE1 and the statistics from 8 May 2015 are displayed. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.
query dedupstats pool1 node1 begindate=05/08/2015
                         Date/Time: 05/05/2015 15:15:23
                 Storage Pool Name: POOL1
                         Node Name: NODE1
                    Filespace Name: \\fs1\a1
                              FSID: 41
                              Type: Bkup
           Total Saving Percentage: 86.62   
         Total Data Protected (MB): 311                

Example: View detailed data deduplication statistics

Display detailed information for data deduplication for a storage pool that is named POOL1.
query dedupstats pool1 format=detailed
                         Date/Time: 05/05/2015 15:15:23
                 Storage Pool Name: POOL1
                         Node Name: NODE1
                    Filespace Name: \\fs1\a1
                              FSID: 41
                              Type: Bkup
         Total Data Protected (MB): 47,646
             Total Space Used (MB): 10,139
            Total Space Saved (MB): 37,507
           Total Saving Percentage: 78.72
             Deduplication Savings: 16,228,107,499
          Deduplication Percentage: 42.59   
     Non-Deduplicated Extent Count: 1,658
Non-Deduplicated Extent Space Used: 732,626
               Unique Extent Count: 189,791
          Unique Extent Space Used: 23,385,014,635
               Shared Extent Count: 178,712
      Shared Extent Data Protected: 26,575,010,669
          Shared Extent Space Used: 5,267,815,421
               Compression Savings: 5,267,815,421
            Compression Percentage: 62.93
           Compressed Extent Count: 352,498
         Uncompressed Extent Count: 17,663
      Encryption Extent Space Used: 52,901,672
             Encryption Percentage: 100.00
            Encrypted Extent Count: 188
          Unencrypted Extent Count: 0
                         Report ID: 1

Example: View summarized data deduplication statistics

Display a summary of information for a set of statistics.
query dedupstatus reportid=1234 format=summary
                         Report ID: 1234
                         Date/Time: 09/15/2017 16:59:55
                 Storage Pool Name: DIRPOOL
                         Node Name: TEST1,TEST2,TEST3,MYGROUP1 
                    Filespace Name: FS1,FS2,/tmp*
                              Type: Bkup
         Total Data Protected (MB): 47,646
             Total Space Used (MB): 10,139
            Total Space Saved (MB): 37,507
           Total Saving Percentage: 78.72
             Deduplication Savings: 16,228,107,499
          Deduplication Percentage: 42.59   
     Non-Deduplicated Extent Count: 1,658
Non-Deduplicated Extent Space Used: 732,626
               Unique Extent Count: 189,791
          Unique Extent Space Used: 23,385,014,635
               Shared Extent Count: 178,712
      Shared Extent Data Protected: 26,575,010,669
          Shared Extent Space Used: 5,267,815,421
               Compression Savings: 5,267,815,421
            Compression Percentage: 62.93
           Compressed Extent Count: 352,498
         Uncompressed Extent Count: 17,663
      Encryption Extent Space Used: 52,901,672
             Encryption Percentage: 100.00
            Encrypted Extent Count: 188
          Unencrypted Extent Count: 0

Field descriptions

Report ID
An ID for a set of data deduplication statistics that is generated on a specific day for a specified group of nodes, file spaces, or both.
A description of the statistics set that is generated.
The time and date that the data deduplication statistics are generated.
Storage Pool Name
The name of the storage pool.
Node Name
The name of the client node whose data is contained in the data deduplication statistics.
Filespace Name
The name of the file space.
The name of the file space identifier.
The type of data. The following values are possible:
Data that is archived.
Data that is backed up.
Data that is migrated from an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management client.
Total Data Protected (MB)
The logical amount of data, in megabytes, that is protected in the storage pool before data deduplication and compression. This value represents the sum of the Total Space Used (MB) and Total Space Saved (MB) values.
Total Space Used (MB)
The total amount of used space in the storage pool, in megabytes. This value is the physical amount of data that is backed up after data deduplication and compression.
Total Space Saved (MB)
The total amount of space, in megabytes, of data that is removed from the storage pool because of data deduplication and compression. This value represents the sum of the Deduplication Savings and Compression Savings values.
Total Saving Percentage
The percentage of data that is removed from the storage pool because of compression and data deduplication.
Deduplication Savings
The amount of used space that is saved in the storage pool because of data deduplication.
Deduplication Percentage
The percentage of data that is removed from the storage pool because of data deduplication.
Non-Deduplicated Extent Count
The number of data extents that are not deduplicated in the storage pool.
Non-Deduplicated Extent Space Used
The amount of space that is used by data extents that are not deduplicated in the storage pool. This value applies to containers that have a .ncf file type and that do not have deduplicated data.
Tip: Data extents that are not deduplicated consist of the following data or file types:
  • File metadata.
  • Files that are less than 2 KB.
  • Files that use client encryption.
Unique Extent Count
The number of data extents that are not shared by a node.
Unique Extent Space Used
The amount of space in the storage pool that is not shared by a node. This value applies to containers that have a .dcf file type and that do not have deduplicated data.
Shared Extent Count
The number of data extents that are used multiple times by the same node or by different nodes because of data deduplication.
Shared Extent Data Protected
The amount of space in the storage pool that is protected by shared data extents before data deduplication.
Shared Extent Space Used
The amount of space in the storage pool that is used by shared data extents after data deduplication.
Compression Savings
The amount of used space that is saved in the storage pool because of compression after data deduplication.
Compression Percentage
The percentage of data that is removed from the storage pool because of compression.
Compressed Extent Count
The number of data extents that are compressed.
Uncompressed Extent Count
The number of data extents that are uncompressed.
Encryption Extent Space Used
The amount of space in the storage pool that is used by encrypted data extents.
Encryption Percentage
The percentage of encrypted data in the storage pool.
Encrypted Extent Count
The number of data extents that are encrypted.
Unencrypted Extent Count
The number of data extents that are not encrypted.

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to QUERY DEDUPSTATS
Command Description
DELETE DEDUPSTATS Deletes data deduplication statistics.
GENERATE DEDUPSTATS Generates data deduplication statistics.