
The errorlogmax option specifies the maximum size of the error log, in megabytes. The default name for the error log is dsmerror.log.

Log wrapping is controlled by the errorlogmax option. If errorlogmax is set to zero (0), the size of the log is unlimited; logged entries never wrap and begin overwriting earlier logged entries. If errorlogmax is not set to zero, the newest log entries overwrite the oldest log entries after the log file reaches its maximum size.

Log pruning is controlled by the errorlogretention option. Pruned logs do not wrap. Instead, log entries that are older than the number of days specified by the errorlogretention option are removed from the log file.

If you change from log wrapping (errorlogmax option) to log pruning (errorlogretention option), all existing log entries are retained and the log is pruned using the new errorlogretention criteria. Pruned log entries are saved in a file called

If you change from using log pruning (errorlogretention option) to using log wrapping (errlogmax option), all records in the existing log are copied to the log file, the existing log is emptied, and logging begins using the new log wrapping criteria.

If you simply change the value of the errorlogmax option, the existing log is extended or shortened to accommodate the new size. If the value is reduced, the oldest entries are deleted to reduce the file to the new size.

If neither errologmax nor errorlogretention is specified, the error log can grow without any limit on its size. You must manually manage the log contents to prevent the log from depleting disk resources. When the log has been created with neither option specified, if you later issue a command and specify the errorlogretention option, the log is pruned using the retention value specified. When the log has been created with neither option specified, if you later issue a command and specify the errorlogmax option, the existing log is treated as if it was a pruned log. That is, the content of the dsmerror.log file is copied to a file called and new log entries are created in dsmerror.log and the log is wrapped when it reaches its maximum size.

Note: If you specify a non-zero value for errorlogmax (which enables log wrapping), you cannot use the errorlogretention option to create pruned logs. Logs can be pruned or wrapped, but not both.
Logs created with the errorlogmax option contain a log header record that contains information similar to this example record:
LOGHEADERREC 661  104857600 IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.0 Fri Dec 9 06:46:53 2011

Note that the dates and time stamps in the LOGHEADERREC text are not translated or formatted using the settings specified on the dateformat or timeformat options.

Mac OS X operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsWindows operating systemsLinux operating systemsAIX operating systems

Supported Clients

This option is valid for all clients.

Options File

Mac OS X operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsLinux operating systemsAIX operating systemsPlace this option in the client system-options file (dsm.sys) within a server stanza.

Windows operating systemsPlace this option in the client options file (dsm.opt).

Mac OS X operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsWindows operating systemsLinux operating systemsAIX operating systemsYou can also set this option on the Client preferences tab in the GUI, by selecting Enable error log file wrapping and by specifying a non-zero maximum size for the log file. To prevent log file wrapping, set the maximum size to zero. When the maximum wrapping is set to zero, clearing or setting the Enable error log file wrapping option has no effect; log wrapping does not occur if the maximum size is set to zero.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramERRORLOGMAX size


Specifies the maximum size, in megabytes, for the log file. The range of values is 0 to 2047; the default is 0, which disables log file wrapping and allows the log file to grow indefinitely.


Options file:
errorlogmax 2000
Command line:

This option is valid only on the initial command line. It is not valid in interactive mode.