Query Session

The query session command displays information about your session, including the current node name, when the session was established, server information, and server connection information.

Mac OS X operating systemsWindows operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsLinux operating systemsAIX operating systems

Supported Clients

This command is valid for all clients.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramQuery SEssion


There are no parameters for this command.


Mac OS X operating systemsWindows operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsLinux operating systemsAIX operating systemsTask
Mac OS X operating systemsWindows operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsLinux operating systemsAIX operating systemsDisplay your session information.

Command: query session

A sample query session display follows:

Server Name.............: HALLEY_SERVER1
Server Type.............: Windows
Archive Retain Protect..: "No"
Server Version..........: Ver. 6, Rel. 2, Lev. 0.0
Last Access Date........: 09/03/2009 09:08:13
Delete Backup Files.....: "No"
Delete Archive Files....: "Yes"
Deduplication...........: "Server Only"

Node Name...............: HALLEY
User Name...............: 

Possible client-side deduplication values:

  • None
    • Displayed when connected to an IBM Spectrum® Protect server earlier than version 6.1.
  • Server Only
  • Client Or Server
Oracle Solaris operating systemsLinux operating systemsAIX operating systemsTask
Oracle Solaris operating systemsLinux operating systemsAIX operating systems

A sample query session display with LAN-free enabled follows:

IBM Spectrum Protect Server Connection Information

Server Name.............: TEMPLAR
Server Type.............: AIX
Archive Retain Protect..: "No"
Server Version..........: Ver. 6, Rel. 1, Lev. 4.0
Last Access Date........: 08/12/10   22:10:15
Delete Backup Files.....: "No"
Delete Archive Files....: "Yes"

Node Name...............: LAN2
User Name...............: root

Storage Agent Name......: TEMPLAR_STA
Storage Agent Type......: AIX
Storage Agent Version...: Ver. 6, Rel. 1, Lev. 3.3