Enable complex administrator passwords for authentication

Starting with IBM Spectrum® Protect 8.1.15, administrators can be required to use a combination of alphabetic characters (A - Z), numeric characters (0 - 9), and special characters (`-=~!@#$%^&*()_+[]{}|;:,./<>?) in passwords that are used to sign on to an IBM Spectrum Protect server account.

You can specify a complex password for an administrator at the time of registering a new account or updating an existing account. You can also specify an integer to set the minimum number of alphabetic, numeric, and special characters that must be used in an administrator password by issuing the SET MINPWCHARALPHABETIC, SET MINPWCHARNUMERIC, and SET MINPWCHARSPECIAL commands. For all these commands, you can specify an integer in the range 0 - 58. The default value is 0.