Transitioning from using the REPLICATE NODE command to using replication storage rules

As an alternative to replicating data by using the REPLICATE NODE command, you can replicate data by using replication storage rules. Replication storage rules can be used to configure both single-target and multi-target replication operations. Even if you are currently using the REPLICATE NODE command for replication, you can begin using replication storage rules.

The following information guides you through the transition to replication storage rules:

  • If you are replicating all data from a source replication server to a target replication server and want to continue with same process, you can define a replication storage rule with ACTIONTYPE=REPLICATE. All nodes with the REPLSTATE=ENABLED parameter setting will be replicated.
  • After you transition to replication storage rules, you must disable or delete administrative schedules that initiate the REPLICATE NODE or PROTECT STGPOOL command. To disable the administrative schedule, you can issue the UPDATE SCHEDULE command and specify the ACTIVE=NO parameter setting. Alternatively, to delete the administrative schedule, you can issue the DELETE SCHEDULE command.
  • After you transition to replication storage rules, you don't have to issue the PROTECT STGPOOL command separately. Replication storage rules combine the functionality of the REPLICATE NODE and PROTECT STGPOOL commands into one replication operation.
    Remember: After transitioning from the REPLICATE NODE command to replication storage rules, you must replicate all nodes and file spaces from the source replication server to the target replication server. In this way, you can help to ensure the recoverability of data.

    For example: The source replication server, SERVER1, has three nodes: NODE1, NODE2, and NODE3. By using the REPLICATE NODE command, you replicate NODE1 and NODE2 to the target replication server, REPLSERV. By using the PROTECT STGPOOL command, you copy only the NODE3 extent data to the REPLSERV server.

    After transitioning to replication storage rules, you must replicate all three nodes, NODE1, NODE2, and NODE3, to the REPLSERV server by using replication storage rules. You no longer have to copy NODE3 extent data separately by using the PROTECT STGPOOL command.

    Requirement: After discontinuing the use of the PROTECT STGPOOL command, you must prune the SDRC table to delete expired and unreferenced data entries. For more information about pruning the SDRC table, see Guidelines for reducing database size by pruning the SDRC table.
  • After you transition to replication storage rules, you can continue to use the REPAIR STGPOOL command to retrieve undamaged copies from the target replication server and repair damaged extents in a container storage pool on the source replication server.
  • After you transition to replication storage rules, only data that was previously not replicated or has changed is processed when you run the replication storage rules.
  • After defining a replication storage rule, you can run the rule immediately without having to wait for the configured scheduled time. You can run the rule by using the START STGRULE command.
  • If you previously configured replication by using the REPLICATE NODE command, REPLICATE NODE command processing will continue to apply the replication rules on behalf of any nodes or file spaces that are being replicated. If you transition to using replication storage rules and subrules, the new replication storage rules and subrules override the previous replication rules for the given file space.

    The following replication rule attributes in the file space are overridden by the new replication storage rules and subrules:

    • Backup Replication Rule Name
    • Backup Replication Rule State
    • Archive Replication Rule Name
    • Archive Replication Rule State
    • Space Management Replication Rule Name
Tip: If you implemented replication by using the REPLICATE NODE command, consider a transition to replication storage rules and subrules. In this way, you can help to streamline the configuration process and optimize replication with increased granularity and flexibility.