UPDATE NODE (Update node attributes)

Use this command to modify the attributes of a registered node.

You must use the RENAME NODE command to change the name of a registered node.

If you update the node authentication method or the node SSLREQUIRED setting and there is a same-named administrator, those administrator ID settings change.

You must have system level authority to update the node authentication method or the node SSLREQUIRED setting and also update a same-named administrator ID. If the same-named administrator ID has client owner authority over the node that is being updated, then system level authority is not required. You must have either unrestricted policy privilege or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client node belongs.

For users of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) servers:
  • The information in this documentation applies to the LDAP authentication method that is preferred for IBM Spectrum® Protect 7.1.7 or later servers. For instructions about using the previous LDAP authentication method, see Managing passwords and logon procedures.
  • If you change the authentication mode to LDAP, and the node name matches an administrative user ID, you might see unexpected behavior when an automatic password change occurs because the password might be updated twice. As a result, the password might become unknown to the administrative user ID. Alternatively, the password update operation might fail.
When you register or update a node, you can specify whether damaged files on the node can be recovered from a target replication server. Files can be recovered only if all the following conditions are met:
  • Version 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and target replication servers.
  • The REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is set to ON. The system parameter can be set by using the SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED command.
  • The source server includes at least one file that is marked as damaged in the node that is being replicated.
  • The node data was replicated before the damage occurred.
The following table describes how parameter settings affect the recovery of damaged, replicated files.
Table 1. Settings that affect the recovery of damaged files
Setting for the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter Value of the RECOVERDAMAGED parameter on the REPLICATE NODE command Value of the RECOVERDAMAGED parameter on the REGISTER NODE and UPDATE NODE commands Result
OFF YES, NO, or not specified YES or NO During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are not recovered from the target replication server.
OFF ONLY YES or NO An error message is displayed because files cannot be recovered when the REPLRECOVERDAMAGED system parameter is set to OFF.
ON YES YES or NO During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are recovered from the target replication server.
ON NO YES or NO During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are not recovered from the target replication server.
ON ONLY YES or NO Damaged files are recovered from the target replication server, but standard node replication does not occur.
ON Not specified YES During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are recovered from the target replication server.
ON Not specified NO During node replication, standard replication occurs and damaged files are not recovered from the target replication server.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the client node belongs.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram UPDate Node1 node_name 2password3FORCEPwreset=NoYes4FORCEPwreset=YesPASSExp=days5CLOptset=option_set_nameCONtact=textDOmain=domain_nameCOMPression=ClientYesNoARCHDELete=YesNoBACKDELete=NoYesWHEREDOmain=domain_nameWHEREPLatform=client_platform_nameMAXNUMMP=numberKEEPMP=NoYesURL=url_addressUTILITYUrl=utility_urlAUTOFSRename=YesNoClient6VALIdateprotocol=NoDataonlyAllTXNGroupmax=0numberDATAWritepath=ANYDATAWritepath=ANYLANLANFreeDATAReadpath=ANYDATAReadpath=ANYLANLANFree
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramTARGETLevel=V.R.M.FSESSIONINITiation=ClientorserverSESSIONINITiation=ClientorserverSERVEROnlyHLAddress=ip_addressLLAddress=tcp_portHLAddress=ip_addressLLAddress=tcp_port7EMAILADdress=userID@nodeDEDUPlication=SERVEROnlyClientorserverBACKUPINITiation=AllROOT8BKREPLRuledefault=ALL_DATAACTIVE_DATAALL_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITYACTIVE_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITYDEFAULTNONEARREPLRuledefault=ALL_DATAALL_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITYDEFAULTNONESPREPLRuledefault=ALL_DATAALL_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITYDEFAULTNONEREPLState9=ENabledDISabled
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramREPLMode10=SYNCSEndSYNCRECeiveRECOVERDamaged=YesNoROLEOVERRIDE=ClientServerOtherUsereportedAUTHentication=LOcalLDapSYNCldapdelete=NoSYNCldapdelete=YesNo12SSLrequired=YesNoDefaultSERVERonlySESSIONSECurity=TRANSitionalSESSIONSECurity=STRictTRANSitionalSPLITLARGEObjects=YesSPLITLARGEObjects=YesNoGENeratekeys13=NoGENeratekeys=YesMINIMUMExtentsize=50KBMINIMUMExtentsize=50KB250KB750KB
  • 1 You must specify at least one optional parameter on this command.
  • 2 Passwords are optional for this command, except when you change the authentication method from LDAP to LOCAL.
  • 3 This parameter is not available for the OBJECTClient node type.
  • 4 This parameter is not available for the OBJECTClient node type.
  • 5 This parameter is not available for the OBJECTClient node type.
  • 6 The VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is deprecated.
  • 7 HLADDRESS and LLADDRESS must be previously set or specified in the UPDATE NODE or REGISTER NODE commands to use SESSIONINITIATION=SERVERONLY.
  • 8 The BACKUPINITIATION parameter is ignored if the client node operating system is not supported.
  • 9 If you specify the REPLSTATE parameter and you do not specify the REPLMODE parameter, the replication mode of the node is set to SEND.
  • 10 If you specify the REPLMODE parameter, you must also specify the REPLSTATE parameter.
  • 11 The SYNCLDAPDELETE parameter applies only if a node that authenticates to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server reverts to local authentication.
  • 12 The SSLREQUIRED parameter is deprecated.
  • 13 This parameter is available only for the OBJECTClient node type.


node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node to be updated. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name.
Restriction: When you update a password with the UPDATE NODE command, you cannot use a wildcard character with the node_name parameter.
Specifies the new password for the client node. The minimum length of the password is 8 characters unless a different value is specified by using the SET MINPWLENGTH command. The maximum length of the password is 64 characters. This parameter is optional in most cases. If the node authentication method is changed from LDAP to LOCAL, a password is required. If the node authentication method is LDAP, do not specify a password by using the UPDATE NODE command. Passwords remain current for a period that is determined by the password expiration period.
Restriction: This parameter is not supported for object client nodes.
Specifies whether to force a client to change or reset the password. This parameter is optional.
Restriction: This parameter is not supported for object client nodes.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the password expiration period is set by the SET PASSEXP command. Do not force a client to change or reset the password while it attempts to log on to the server.
Specifies that the client node or administrator password will expire at the next logon. The client must change or reset the password at the next logon.
  • For nodes that authenticate with an LDAP server, password expiration is set by using LDAP server utilities. For this reason, do not specify FORCEPWRESET=YES if you plan to specify AUTHENTICATION=LDAP.
  • If you plan to update a node to authenticate with an LDAP server, and you specified FORCEPWRESET=YES, you must change the password before you can specify FORCEPWRESET=NO and AUTHENTICATION=LDAP.
Specifies the number of days the password remains valid. You can set the password expiration period in the range 0 - 9999 days. A value of 0 means that the password never expires. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, the password expiration period is unchanged.

You can change the password expiration period by using the UPDATE NODE or SET PASSEXP commands. To set a common expiration period for all administrators and client nodes, issue the SET PASSEXP command. You can also use the SET PASSEXP command to selectively set password expiration periods. If you selectively set a password expiration period by using the REGISTER NODE command, the UPDATE NODE command, or the SET PASSEXP command, the expiration period is excluded from common password expiration periods that were created by using the SET PASSEXP command.

You can use the RESET PASSEXP command to reset the password expiration period to the common expiration period. This parameter does not apply to passwords that authenticate with an LDAP directory server.

Restriction: This parameter is not supported for object client nodes.
Specifies the name of the option set to be used by the client. This parameter is optional. To remove a client option set, specify the CLOPTSET parameter with a null string ().
Specifies a text string of information that identifies the client node. This parameter is optional. The maximum length of the text string is 255 characters. Enclose the contact information in quotation marks if it contains any blanks. To remove previously defined contact information, specify a null string ().
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which you want to register the client node. This parameter is optional.
For users of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus and other object clients: Specifies the name of the object domain to which you want to register the client node.
Restriction: For servers with data retention protection enabled, an archived registered node cannot be reassigned to a different policy domain.
Specifies whether the client node compresses its files before it sends them to the server for backup and archive. This parameter is optional.
Restriction: This parameter cannot be specified for a NAS node.

You can specify one of the following values:

Specifies that the client determines whether files are to be compressed.
Specifies that the client node compresses its files before it sends them to the server for backup and archive.
Specifies that the client node does not compress its files before it sends them to the server for backup and archive.
Specifies whether the client node can delete its own archived files from the server. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the client node can delete its own archive files from the server.
Specifies that the client node cannot delete its own archive files from the server.
Specifies whether the client node can delete its own backup files from the server. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the client node cannot delete its own backup files from the server.
Specifies that the client node can delete its own backup files from the server.
Specifies the name of the policy domain to be used as a filter in combination with the node name to select nodes to update. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the name of the client platform to be used as a filter in combination with the node name to select nodes to update. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the maximum number of mount points a node can use on the server or storage agent only for operations such as backup, archive, and IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management migration. The parameter is optional and does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS or SERVER. The default value is 1. You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 999. A value of 0 specifies that a node cannot acquire any mount point for a client data store operation. The MAXNUMMP value is not evaluated or enforced during client data read operations such as restore, retrieve, and IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management recall. However, mount points in use for data read operations are evaluated against attempted concurrent data store operations for the same client node and might prevent the data store operations from being able to acquire mount points.

For volumes in a storage pool that is associated with the FILE or CENTERA device type, the server can have multiple sessions to read and one process to write to the same volume concurrently. To increase concurrency and provide efficient access for nodes with data in FILE or CENTERA storage pools, increase the value of the MAXNUMMP parameter.

For nodes that store data into primary storage pools with the simultaneous-write function that is enabled, you must adjust the value of the MAXNUMMP parameter to specify the correct number of mount points for each client session. A client session requires one mount point for the primary storage pool and one mount point for each copy storage pool and each active-data pool.

Specifies the URL of the IBM Spectrum Protect web client that is configured on the client system. You can use the URL in a web browser and in the Operations Center to remotely manage the client node.

This parameter is optional. The URL must include the DNS name or IP address of the client system, and the port number that is defined on the client system for the IBM Spectrum Protect web client. For example, http://client.mycorp.com:1581

If you want to remove the value from this parameter, specify empty single quotation marks or empty double quotation marks with no spaces ('' for single quotation marks, or for double quotation marks).

Specifies the address of the IBM Spectrum Protect client management services that are configured on the client system. This URL is used by the Operations Center to access client log files so that you can remotely diagnose client issues from the Operations Center.

This parameter is optional. You can specify a URL of up to 200 characters in length. The URL must start with https. It includes the DNS name or IP address of the client system, and the port number that is defined on the client system for the IBM Spectrum Protect client management services. For example, https://client.mycorp.com:9028

If you omit the port number, the Operations Center uses the port number 9028, which is the default port number when you install the client management services on the client system.

Specifies whether the client node keeps the mount point for the entire session. The parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the client node releases the mount point during the session. If policy definitions cause data to be stored to a disk storage pool after data is stored to a sequential access storage pool, any mount points that are held by the session will be released.
Specifies that the client node must retain the mount point during the entire session. If policy definitions cause data to be stored to a disk storage pool after data is stored to a sequential access storage pool, any mount points that are held by the session will not be released.
Specifies whether the client is prompted for renaming file spaces when the client system upgrades to a client that supports Unicode. The prompting and renaming, if allowed, occur only when the client runs one of the following operations: archive, selective backup, full incremental backup, or partial incremental backup. The renaming changes the names of existing backed-up file spaces that are not in Unicode in server storage. Then, the file spaces are backed up in Unicode. You can use this parameter for Unicode-enabled IBM Spectrum Protect clients by using Windows, Macintosh OS X, and NetWare operating systems.
Important: After the client with support for Unicode is installed, any new file spaces that the client backs up are stored in server storage by using the UTF-8 code page. UTF-8 is a byte-oriented encoding form that is specified by the Unicode Standard.

You can specify one of the following values:

The server automatically renames existing file spaces when the client system upgrades to a client that supports Unicode, and the client runs one of the following operations: archive, selective backup, full incremental backup, or partial incremental backup. The renaming occurs whether the client uses the graphical user interface, the command line, or the client scheduler.
For example, the server renames a drive as follows:
  • Original name: D_DRIVE
  • New name: D_DRIVE_OLD
The new name indicates that the file space is stored on the server in format that is not Unicode.
The server does not rename file spaces automatically when the client system upgrades to a client that supports Unicode, and the client runs one of the following operations: archive, selective backup, full incremental backup, or partial incremental backup.
The option AUTOFSRENAME in the client option file determines whether file spaces are renamed.

By default, the client option is set to PROMPT. When the client system upgrades to a client that supports Unicode and the client runs an IBM Spectrum Protect operation with the graphical user interface or the command line, the program displays a one-time prompt to the user about whether to rename file spaces.

When the client scheduler runs an operation, the program does not prompt for a choice about renaming, and does not rename file spaces. Backups of existing file spaces are sent as before (not in Unicode).

VALIdateprotocol (deprecated)
Specifies whether IBM Spectrum Protect performs a cyclic redundancy check to validate the data that is sent between the client and the server. The parameter is optional.
Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.2 and Tivoli® Storage Manager 7.1.8, this parameter is deprecated. The validation that was enabled by this parameter is replaced by the TLS protocol, which is enforced by the SESSIONSECURITY parameter. The VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is ignored. Update your configuration to use the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.

However, if your environment includes an IBM Spectrum Protect backup-archive client that is earlier than version 7.1.8 or 8.1.2, and the client is connected to a server that is at version 7.1.8 or later, or 8.1.2 or later, communication errors can occur. On the client side, you might see error message ANS1029E. On the server side, you might see error message ANR8601E.

To avoid these errors, ensure that the VALIDATEPROTOCOL parameter is set to NO.


Specifies the number of files that are transferred as a group between a client and a server between transaction commit points. Client performance might be improved by using a larger value for this option.

Specifying 0 indicates that the node uses the server global value that is set in the server options file. To use a value other than the server global value, specify a value in the range 4 - 65000 for the TXNGROUPMAX parameter. The node value takes precedence over the server value.

Object client nodes have a server global value of 10004. When the default value of 0 is set for the TXNGROUPMAX parameter, an object client node uses the server global value of 10004. If you set a value for the TXNGROUPMAX parameter for an object client node, ensure that the value is equal to or greater than the expected number of parts in multipart objects uploaded by the object client.

Tip: Increasing the TXNGROUPMAX value increases recovery log utilization. Higher recovery log utilization might increase the risk of running out of log space. Evaluate the performance of each node before you change the parameter.
Specifies the transfer path that is used when the client sends data to the server, storage agent, or both, during storage operations such as backup or archive. The parameter is optional.
Remember: If a path is unavailable, the node cannot send any data. For example, if you select the LAN-free option but a LAN-free path is not defined, the operation fails.

You can specify one of the following values:

Specifies that data is sent to the server, storage agent, or both, using any available path. A LAN-free path is used if one is available. If a LAN-free path is unavailable, the data is moved over the LAN.
Specifies that data is sent over the LAN.
Specifies that data is sent over a LAN-free path.
Specifies the transfer path that is used when the server, storage agent, or both read data for a client, during operations such as restore or retrieve. The parameter is optional.
Remember: If a path is unavailable, data cannot be read. For example, if you select the LAN-free option but a LAN-free path is not defined, the operation fails. The value for the transfer path also applies to failover connections. If the value is set to LANFree, failover cannot occur for the node on the failover server.

You can specify one of the following values:

Specifies that the server, storage agent, or both use any available path to read data. A LAN-free path is used if one is available. If a LAN-free path is unavailable, the data is read over the LAN.
Specifies that data is read over the LAN.
Specifies that data is read by using a LAN-free path.

Controls whether the server or the client initiates sessions. The parameter is optional.

Specifies that the client might initiate sessions with the server by communicating on the TCP/IP port that is defined with the server option TCPPORT. Server-prompted scheduling might also be used to prompt the client to connect to the server.
Specifies that the server does not accept client requests for sessions. All sessions must be initiated by server-prompted scheduling on the port that is defined for the client with the REGISTER or UPDATE NODE commands. You cannot use the client acceptor, dsmcad, to start the scheduler when SESSIONINITIATION is set to SERVERONLY.

Specifies the client IP address that the server contacts to initiate scheduled events. This parameter must be used when SESSIONINITIATION is set to SERVERONLY, regardless of any addresses that are previously used by the client to contact the server.

The address can be specified either in numeric or host name format. If a numeric address is used, it is saved without verification by a domain name server. If the address is not correct, it can cause failures when the server attempts to contact the client. Host name format addresses are verified with a domain name server. Verified names are saved and resolved with Domain Name Services when the server contacts the client.


Specifies the client port number on which the client listens for sessions from the server. This parameter must be used when SESSIONINITIATION is set to SERVERONLY, regardless of any addresses that are previously used by the client to contact the server.

The value for this parameter must match the value of client option TCPCLIENTPORT. The default value is 1501.


Specifies the client IP address that the server contacts to initiate scheduled events. This optional parameter is used only when SESSIONINITIATION is set to SERVERONLY, regardless of any addresses that were previously used by the client to contact the server. If SESSIONINITIATION SERVERONLY is not in use, this option has no effect.

The address can be specified either in numeric or host name format. If a numeric address is used, it is saved without verification by a domain name server. If the address is not correct, it can cause failures when the server attempts to contact the client. Host name format addresses are verified with a domain name server. Verified names are saved and resolved with Domain Name Services when the server contacts the client.


Specifies the client port number on which the client listens for sessions from the server. This optional parameter is used only when SESSIONINITIATION is set to SERVERONLY, regardless of any addresses that were previously used by the client to contact the server. If SESSIONINITIATION SERVERONLY is not in use, this option has no effect.

The value for this parameter must match the value of client option TCPCLIENTPORT. The default value is 1501.

This parameter is used for more contact information. The information that is specified by this parameter is not acted upon by IBM Spectrum Protect.
Specifies where data deduplication can occur for this node. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that data that is stored by this node can be deduplicated on the server only.
Specifies that data that is stored by this node can be deduplicated on either the client or the server. For data deduplication to take place on the client, you must also specify a value of YES for the DEDUPLICATION client option. You can specify this option in the client option file or in the client option set on the IBM Spectrum Protect server.

Specifies the client deployment package that is targeted for this node. You can substitute an applicable release package for V.R.M.F (Version.Release.Modification.Fix) Level. For example: TARGETLevel=

You must specify each segment with a number that is applicable to a deployment package. You cannot use an asterisk in any field as a substitution for a valid number. To remove an existing value, specify a null string ( ). The parameter is optional.
Restriction: The TARGETLEVEL parameter does not apply to nodes with a type of NAS or SERVER.
Specifies whether the non-root user ID on the client node can back up files to the server. The parameter is optional. The default value is ALL, indicating that non-root user IDs can back up data to the server. You can select one of the following values:
Specifies that non-root user IDs can back up files to the server. ALL is the default if BACKUPINITIATION is not specified.
Specifies that only the root user ID can back up files to the server.
Restriction: The attribute is ignored by the server if the backup-archive client connects from an operating system other than AIX®, Linux®, or Mac OS.
BKREPLRuledefault, ARREPLRuledefault, and SPREPLRuledefault
Specifies the replication rule that applies to a data type if the file space rules for the data type are set to DEFAULT:
Specifies the replication rule for backup data.
Specifies the replication rule for archive data.
Specifies the replication rule for space-managed data.
Tip: Do not confuse replication rules with replication storage rules. Replication rules are associated with the traditional method of node replication. You define a replication rule on the command line by using the REPLICATE NODE command. Replication storage rules are associated with a newer replication method that is more flexible and granular. You define replication storage rules by using the DEFINE STGRULE command. The BKREPLRuledefault, ARREPLRuledefault, and SPREPLRuledefault parameters are used for traditional replication rules.

You can specify normal-priority replication or high-priority replication rules. In a replication process that includes both normal and high-priority data, high-priority data is replicated first. Before you specify a rule, consider the order in which you want the data to be replicated.

For example, suppose that a client node contains active backup data and archive data. Replication of the active backup data is a higher priority than the archive data. To prioritize both types of data, specify BKREPLRULEDEFAULT=ACTIVE_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITY ARREPLRULEDEFAULT=ALL_DATA.

You can specify the following rules:
Replicates active and inactive backup data, archive data, or space-managed data. The data is replicated with a normal priority.
Replicates only active backup data. The data is replicated with a normal priority. This rule is valid only for BKREPLRULEDEFAULT.

If you specify ACTIVE_DATA and one or more of the following conditions are true, inactive backup data on the target replication server is deleted, and inactive backup data on the source replication server is not replicated.

  • When a release version earlier than 7.1.1 is installed on either the source or target replication servers.
  • When you are using the REPLICATE NODE command with the FORCERECONCILE=YES parameter.
  • When you are running the initial replication of a file space after you configure replication, restore the database, or upgrade both the source and target replication servers from a release version earlier than 7.1.1.

If the previous conditions are not true, all new and changed files since the last replication are replicated, including inactive files, and files are deleted when they expire.

Replicates active and inactive backup data, archive data, or space-managed data. Data is replicated with a high priority.
This rule is the same as the ACTIVE_DATA replication rule except data is replicated with a high priority. This rule is valid only for BKREPLRULEDEFAULT.
Replicates data according to the server replication rule for backup data.

For example, suppose that you want to replicate the archive data in all the file spaces that belongs to a client node. Replication of the archive data is a high priority. One method to accomplish this task is to specify ARREPLRULEDEFAULT=DEFAULT. Ensure that the file space rules for archive data are also set to DEFAULT and that the server rule for archive data is set to ALL_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITY.

Restriction: If a node is configured for replication, the file space rules are set to DEFAULT after the node stores data on the source replication server.
Data of the specified type is not replicated.

For example, if you do not want to replicate space-managed data that belongs to a client node, specify SPREPLRULEDEFAULT=NONE

Specifies whether data that belongs to the client node is ready to be replicated. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the client node is ready for replication.
Specifies that replication does not occur until you enable it.
The system response to these settings depends on the following factors:
Whether the client node definition exists only on the source replication server and you are configuring the client node for replication for the first time
If you set the replication state to ENABLED or DISABLED, the replication mode of the node on the source replication server is automatically set to SEND after the UPDATE NODE command is issued. When replication first occurs, a client node definition on the target server is automatically created. The replication state of the client node on the target server is automatically set to ENABLED. The replication mode is set to RECEIVE.
Whether the client node definition exists on the source and the target replication servers, and the node data was previously replicated
For replication to occur, the replication state of the client node on both the source and the target servers must be set to ENABLED. For example, if the replication state of a client node on the source server is ENABLED and the replication state on the target server is DISABLED, replication does not occur.
Whether the client node definition exists on the source and the target replication servers, and the node data was previously exported from the source replication server and imported to the target replication server
In this case, you are configuring the client nodes to synchronize the data between the two servers. When replication first occurs, the replication state of the client node on the target server is automatically set to ENABLED. Data on the source and target servers is synchronized.
Restriction: To synchronize data, you must specify the REPLMODE parameter in addition to the REPLSTATE parameter.

You can specify the REPLMODE parameter only if the client node has never been replicated:

  • If the client node definition exists only on the source replication server, the replication mode of the node on the source replication server is automatically set to SEND when the UPDATE NODE command is issued. The replication mode of the node on the target replication server is automatically set to RECEIVE.
  • If data that belongs to the node was previously replicated, the replication mode of the node on the source replication server is SEND. The replication mode of the node on the target replication server is RECEIVE.
Specifies whether to synchronize the data that belongs to this client node. Specify this parameter only if data that belongs to the client node was exported from the source replication server and imported to the target replication server. Synchronization occurs during replication.

To synchronize data, you must issue the UPDATE NODE command on both the source and target replication servers and specify the REPLMODE and REPLSTATE parameters. The value that you specify for the REPLMODE parameter depends on whether the server is a source of or a target for replicated data.

You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that data that belongs to this client node is synchronized with data on a target server during replication. Specify this value only on the server that exported the data. When the synchronization is complete, the replication mode for the client node on the source server is automatically set to SEND. The replication mode remains SEND unless you remove the node by issuing the REMOVE REPLNODE command.
Specifies that data that belongs to this client node is synchronized with data on a source server during replication. Specify this value only on the server that imported the data. When the synchronization is complete, the replication mode for the client node on the target server is automatically set to RECEIVE. The replication mode remains RECEIVE unless you remove the node by issuing the REMOVE REPLNODE command.
  • You can set the REPLMODE parameter only if the initial replication state is NONE. To synchronize data, you change the replication state to ENABLED or DISABLED and specify a value for the REPLMODE parameter.
  • Data can be synchronized only if you specified DATES=ABSOLUTE on the IMPORT NODE command. If you specified DATES=RELATIVE to import data, you must rename the node or delete its data before replication. If you do not take one of these steps, you can lose data.
  • If the REPLMODE parameter was set incorrectly, you must issue the REMOVE REPLNODE command before you update the client node definition. For example, suppose that you updated the definition of a client node whose data you wanted to replicate. The data that belongs to the node was previously exported to the target replication server. You specified ENABLED as the setting of the REPLSTATE parameter. However, you did not specify SYNCSEND on the source replication server. As a result, the REPLMODE parameter was automatically set to SEND, and data that belongs to the node could not be synchronized or replicated.

    Issuing REMOVE REPLNODE sets the replication state and the replication mode to NONE. After the REMOVE REPLNODE command is completed, reissue the UPDATE NODE command with the correct parameters and values.

Specifies whether damaged files can be recovered for this node from a target replication server. The parameter is optional. The default value is YES. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that recovery of damaged files from a target replication server is enabled for this node.
Specifies that recovery of damaged files from a target replication server is not enabled for this node.
Tip: The value of the RECOVERDAMAGED parameter is only one of several settings that determine whether damaged files are recovered. For information about how to specify the settings, see Settings that affect the recovery of damaged files.

Specifies whether to override the reported role of the client for processor value unit (PVU) estimation reporting. The default is USEREPORTED.

The role reported by the client is either client-device (for example, a workstation) or server-device (for example, file/print server, application server, database). By default, the client reports its role that is based on the client type and the operating system. All clients initially report their role as server-device, except for IBM Spectrum Protect backup-archive clients that are running Microsoft Windows workstation distributions (Windows Vista) and Macintosh OS X.

Specify one of the following values:
Specifies a client-device.
Specifies a server-device.
Specifies that this node is not to be used for PVU estimation reporting. The Other value is useful when multiple nodes are deployed for a physical system (for example, virtual environments, test nodes, retired nodes, and nodes not in production or clustering).
Use the reported role that is provided by the client.
This parameter determines the password authentication method that you use; either LDAP or LOCAL.
Specifies that the node uses the local IBM Spectrum Protect server database to store passwords.
Specifies that the node uses an LDAP directory server to authenticate passwords. Passwords are not stored in the IBM Spectrum Protect database.
This parameter applies only if you want a node that authenticates with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server to change to authenticate with the IBM Spectrum Protect server. The parameter specifies whether to remove the node from the LDAP server.
Specifies that the node is removed.
Restriction: Do not specify a value of YES. (The value of YES is appropriate only for users of the previous LDAP authentication method, which is described in Managing passwords and logon procedures.)
Specifies that the node is not removed. This is the default value.
SSLrequired (deprecated)

Specifies whether the node must use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to communicate with the IBM Spectrum Protect server. The parameter is optional. When you authenticate passwords with an LDAP directory server, you must protect the sessions by using SSL or another network security method.

Important: Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.2 software and Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1.8 software, this parameter is deprecated. The validation that was enabled by this parameter is replaced by the TLS protocol, which is enforced by the SESSIONSECURITY parameter. The SSLREQUIRED parameter is ignored. Update your configuration to use the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
Specifies whether the node must use the most secure settings to communicate with an IBM Spectrum Protect server. This parameter is optional.

You can specify one of the following values:

Specifies that the strictest security settings are enforced for the node. . The TLS protocol is used for SSL sessions between the server and the node. To specify whether the server uses TLS for the entire session or only for authentication, see the SSL client option.

Beginning with IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.11, you can enable the TLS 1.3 protocol to secure communications between servers, clients, and storage agents. To use TLS 1.3, both parties in the communication session must use TLS 1.3. If either party uses TLS 1.2, then both parties use TLS 1.2 by default.

To use the STRICT value, the following requirements must be met to ensure that the node can authenticate with the server:
  • Both the node and server must be using IBM Spectrum Protect software that supports the SESSIONSECURITY parameter.
  • The node must be configured to use TLS 1.2 or later for SSL sessions between the server and the node.
Nodes set to STRICT that do not meet these requirements are unable to authenticate with the server.
Specifies that the existing security settings are enforced for the node. This is the default value. This value is intended to be used temporarily while you update your security settings to meet the requirements for the STRICT value.

If SESSIONSECURITY=TRANSITIONAL and the node has never met the requirements for the STRICT value, the node continues to authenticate by using the TRANSITIONAL value. However, after a node meets the requirements for the STRICT value, the SESSIONSECURITY parameter value automatically updates from TRANSITIONAL to STRICT. Then, the node can no longer authenticate by using a version of the client or an SSL/TLS protocol that does not meet the requirements for STRICT. In addition, after a node successfully authenticates by using a more secure communication protocol, the node can no longer authenticate on the same server by using a less secure protocol. For example, if a node that is not using SSL is updated and successfully authenticates by using TLS 1.2, the node can no longer authenticate by using no SSL protocol or by using TLS 1.1. This restriction also applies when you use functions such as virtual volumes, when the node authenticates to the IBM Spectrum Protect server as a node from another server.

Specifies whether large objects that are stored by this node are automatically split into smaller pieces, by the server, to optimize server processing. Specifying Yes causes the server to split large objects (over 10 GB) into smaller pieces when stored by a client node. Specifying No bypasses this process. Specify No only if your primary concern is maximizing throughput of backups directly to tape. The default value is Yes.
Specifies that the server generates new authentication credentials for a node with the TYPE=OBJECTCLIENT parameter. Specifying YES means that the server generates a new access ID and secret key for this client. You must reconfigure the associated client to use the new authentication values. The default value is NO.
Specifies the extent size that is used during data deduplication operations for cloud-container storage pools and directory-container storage pools on this node. In most system environments, the default value of 50 KB is appropriate. However, if you plan to deduplicate data from an Oracle or SAP database, and the average extent size is less than 100 KB, you can help optimize performance by specifying a larger extent size. Data in Oracle and SAP databases is typically deduplicated with extent sizes that are much smaller than the default average size of 256 KB. Small extent sizes can negatively affect the performance of backup and expiration operations and can result in unnecessary growth of the IBM Spectrum Protect server database.
Requirement: Before you specify an extent size other than the default, evaluate the storage environment and consider the tradeoffs:
  • Is data deduplicated efficiently? To find out, generate data deduplication statistics by using the GENERATE DEDUPSTATS command and view the statistics by using the QUERY DEDUPSTATS command. If the output of the QUERY DEDUPSTATS command shows a value of less than 15% in the Deduplication Percentage field, consider increasing the value of the MINIMUMEXTENTSIZE parameter to 750 KB. In this way, you can help to prevent unnecessary growth of the database and potentially improve performance.
  • Is the average extent size less than 100 KB? To find out, generate data deduplication statistics by using the GENERATE DEDUPSTATS command and view the statistics by using the QUERY DEDUPSTATS command. Based on the output, calculate the average extent size by using the following formula:
    Total Protected Data/(Compressed Extent Count + Uncompressed Extent Count)
    If the average extent size is less than 100 KB, consider increasing the value of the MINIMUMEXTENTSIZE parameter.
  • Can you accept a temporary reduction in the deduplication ratio? A larger extent size might initially reduce the efficacy of data deduplication because the new extent size does not match the previous extent size. However, data deduplication stabilizes after several backup operations are completed.
  • Can you accept a temporary increase in network traffic? A larger extent size might initially increase network traffic for backup operations that rely on client-side data deduplication because extents of the new size will not match extents of the previous size. Backup operations might require additional time until a steady state is achieved. A larger extent size can also temporarily increase network traffic for server-to-server replication operations, which might take longer until a steady state is achieved.
  • Can you accept temporary growth of the server database and temporary usage of more storage space?
Specify a larger extent size only if you are willing to accept the listed tradeoffs to achieve better performance of backup and expiration operations.
You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that normal extent sizes are used for data deduplication. The normal minimum extent size is 50 KB with a target average size of 256 KB. This is the default value.
Specifies that a minimum extent size of 250 KB is used for data deduplication with a target average size of 1 MB. This value can be useful for large nodes in which the average extent size is much smaller than the default target size of 256 KB.
Specifies that a minimum extent size of 750 KB is used for data deduplication with a target average size of 2 MB.

Example: Update node SIMON to authenticate with an LDAP directory server and connect using SSL

update node simon authentication=ldap sslrequired=yes
When you specify the SSLREQUIRED parameter, the server is not automatically configured for SSL. You must follow the instructions for connecting with SSL in order for the example to work.

Example: Update all nodes to communicate with a server by using strict session security

Update all nodes to use the strictest security settings to authenticate with the server.

update node * sessionsecurity=strict

Example: Update a node with software release information for a future deployment

The client deployment feature helps you update a backup-archive client to a newer release. The information that is generated from the UPDATE NODE command can help you when you plan a deployment. The information is stored for a future deployment and can be viewed by issuing the QUERY NODE command. After a deployment, you can issue the QUERY NODE command to see the current level and the target level. For example, to update node LARRY to backup-archive client

update node LARRY targetlevel=

Example: Update a node backup to compress data and keep the client from deleting archived files

Update node LARRY so that the data on node LARRY is compressed when it is backed up or archived by IBM Spectrum Protect and so that the client cannot delete archived files.
update node larry compression=yes archdelete=no

Example: Update a node's number of files that can be transferred as a group

Update node LARRY and increase the TXNGroupmax value to 1,000.
update node larry txngroupmax=1000

Example: Update a node and allow it to deduplicate on the client

Update a node BOB so that it can deduplicate on the client.
update node bob deduplication=clientorserver

Example: Update the role of node BOB to a server-device for PVU estimation reporting

If you want to accumulate PVU values, only server device roles are recorded. You can update a node from client-device to server-device by issuing the UPDATE NODE command. For this example, node BOB is updated to a server-device.
update node bob role=server

Example: Update a node definition on a source replication server

NODE1 is defined to a source replication server. The data that belongs to NODE1 was previously exported to a target replication server. Update the replication rule for backup data that belongs to NODE1 so that active backup data is replicated with a high priority. Enable replication for the node. Set up data synchronization with the target replication server.
update node node1 bkreplruledefault=active_data_high_priority
replstate=enabled replmode=syncsend

Example: Update a node definition to enable recovery of damaged files

Update the PAYROLL node to enable the recovery of damaged files from a target replication server.
update node payroll recoverdamaged=yes

Related commands

Table 2. Commands related to UPDATE NODE
Command Description
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information about one or more clients.
QUERY PVUESTIMATE Displays an estimate of the client-devices and server-devices being managed.
QUERY REPLNODE Displays information about the replication status of a client node.
REGISTER ADMIN Defines a new administrator.
REGISTER NODE Defines a client node to the server and sets options for that user.
REMOVE NODE Removes a client from the list of registered nodes for a specific policy domain.
REMOVE REPLNODE Removes a node from replication.
RENAME NODE Changes the name for a client node.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a client node.
RESET PASSEXP Resets the password expiration for nodes or administrators.
SET DEDUPVERIFICATIONLEVEL Specifies the percentage of extents verified by the server during client-side deduplication.
SET PASSEXP Specifies the number of days after which a password is expired and must be changed.
SET REPLRECOVERDAMAGED Specifies whether node replication is enabled to recover damaged files from a target replication server.
UPDATE ADMIN Changes the password or contact information associated with any administrator.
UPDATE FILESPACE Changes file-space node-replication rules.