Cancel Restore

The cancel restore command displays a list of your restartable restore sessions in the server database.

You can cancel only one restartable restore session at a time. Run the cancel restore command again to cancel more restores. To restart restartable restore sessions, use the restart restore command.

Use the cancel restore command under the following circumstances:

  • You cannot back up files that are affected by the restartable restore.
  • Windows operating systemsYou want to cancel restartable restore sessions.
  • Restartable restore sessions lock the file space so that files cannot be moved off of the sequential volumes of the server.
Mac OS X operating systemsWindows operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsLinux operating systemsAIX operating systems

Supported Clients

This command is valid for all clients.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCancel Restore


There are no parameters for this command.


Cancel a restore operation.

cancel restore