IBM Spectrum LSF quick reference

Quick reference to LSF commands, daemons, configuration files, log files, and important cluster configuration parameters.

Sample UNIX and Linux installation directories

Sample UNIX and Linux installation directories

Daemon error log files

Daemon error log files are stored in the directory that is defined by LSF_LOGDIR in the lsf.conf file.

LSF base system daemon log files LSF batch system daemon log files
pim.log.host_name mbatchd.log.host_name
res.log.host_name sbatchd.log.host_name
lim.log.host_name mbschd.log.host_name

If the EGO_LOGDIR parameter is defined in the ego.conf file, the lim.log.host_name file is stored in the directory that is defined by the EGO_LOGDIR parameter.

Configuration files

The lsf.conf, lsf.shared, and lsf.cluster.cluster_name files are located in the directory that is specified by the LSF_CONFDIR parameter in the lsf.conf file.

The lsb.params, lsb.queues, lsb.modules, and lsb.resources files are located in the LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir/ directory.

File Description
install.config Options for LSF installation and configuration
lsf.conf Generic environment configuration file that describes the configuration and operation of the cluster
lsf.shared Definition file that is shared by all clusters. Used to define cluster name, host types, host models, and site-defined resources
lsf.cluster.cluster_name Cluster configuration files that are used to define hosts, administrators, and locality of site-defined shared resources
lsb.applications Defines application profiles to define common parameters for the same types of jobs
lsb.params Configures LSF batch parameters
lsb.queues Batch queue configuration file
lsb.resources Configures resource allocation limits, exports, and resource usage limits
lsb.serviceclasses Defines service-level agreements (SLAs) in an LSF cluster as service classes, which define the properties of the SLA
lsb.users Configures user groups, hierarchical fair share for users and user groups, and job slot limits for users and user groups

Cluster configuration parameters in the lsf.conf file

Parameter Description UNIX Default
LSF_BINDIR Directory containing LSF user commands, which are shared by all hosts of the same type LSF_TOP/version/OStype/bin
LSF_CONFDIR Directory for all LSF configuration files LSF_TOP/conf
LSF_ENVDIR Directory containing the lsf.conf file. Must be owned by root. /etc (if LSF_CONFDIR is not defined)
LSF_INCLUDEDIR Directory containing LSF API header files lsf.h and lsbatch.h LSF_TOP/version/include
LSF_LIBDIR LSF libraries, which are shared by all hosts of the same type LSF_TOP/version/OStype/lib
LSF_LOGDIR (Optional) Directory for LSF daemon logs. Must be owned by root. /tmp
LSF_LOG_MASK Logging level of error messages from LSF commands LOG_WARNING
LSF_MANDIR Directory containing LSF man pages LSF_TOP/version/man
LSF_MISC Sample C programs and shell scripts, and a template for an external LIM (elim) LSF_TOP/version/misc
LSF_SERVERDIR Directory for all server binary files and shell scripts, and external executable files that are started by LSF daemons, must be owned by root, and shared by all hosts of the same type LSF_TOP/version/OStype/etc
LSF_TOP Top-level installation directory. The path to LSF_TOP must be shared and accessible to all hosts in the cluster. It cannot be the root directory (/). Not defined

Required for installation

LSB_CONFDIR Directory for LSF Batch configuration directories, containing user and host lists, operation parameters, and batch queues LSF_CONFDIR/lsbatch
LSF_LIVE_CONFDIR Directory for LSF live reconfiguration directories that are written by the bconf command. LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/live_confdir
LSF_SHAREDIR Directory for LSF batch job history and accounting log files for each cluster, must be owned by primary LSF administrator LSF_TOP/work
LSF_LIM_PORT TCP service port that is used for communication with the lim daemon 7879
LSF_RES_PORT TCP service port that is used for communication with the res daemon 6878
LSF_MBD_PORT TCP service port that is used for communication with the mbatchd daemon 6881
LSF_SBD_PORT TCP service port that is used for communication with the sbatchd daemon 6882

Administration and accounting commands

Only LSF administrators and root users can use these commands.

Command Description
lsadmin LSF administrator tool to control the operation of the LIM and RES daemons in an LSF cluster, lsadmin help shows all subcommands
lsfinstall Install LSF with the install.config input file
lsfrestart Restart the LSF daemons on all hosts in the local cluster
lsfshutdown Shut down the LSF daemons on all hosts in the local cluster
lsfstartup Start the LSF daemons on all hosts in the local cluster
badmin LSF administrative tool to control the operation of the LSF batch system (sbatchd, mbatchd, hosts, and queues) badmin help shows all subcommands
bconf Changes LSF configuration in active memory


Daemon Name Description
lim Load Information Manager (LIM): collects load and resource information about all server hosts in the cluster and provides host selection services to applications through LSLIB. LIM maintains information on static system resources and dynamic load indexes
mbatchd Management Batch Daemon (MBD): accepts and holds all batch jobs. MBD periodically checks load indexes on all server hosts by contacting the management host LIM.
mbschd Management Batch Scheduler Daemon: performs the scheduling functions of LSF and sends job scheduling decisions to MBD for dispatch. Runs on the LSF management host
sbatchd Server Batch Daemon (SBD): accepts job execution requests from MBD, and monitors the progress of jobs. Controls job execution, enforces batch policies, reports job status to MBD, and starts MBD.
pim Process Information Manager (PIM): monitors resources that are used by submitted jobs while they are running. PIM is used to enforce resource limits and load thresholds, and for fair share scheduling
res Remote Execution Server (RES): accepts remote execution requests from all load-sharing applications and handles I/O on the remote host for load sharing processes.

User commands

View information about your cluster.
Command Description
bhosts Displays hosts and their static and dynamic resources
blimits Displays information about resource allocation limits of running jobs
bparams Displays information about tunable batch system parameters
bqueues Displays information about batch queues
busers Displays information about users and user groups
lshosts Displays hosts and their static resource information
lsid Displays the current LSF version number, cluster name, and management host name
lsinfo Displays load-sharing configuration information
lsload Displays dynamic load indexes for hosts

Monitor jobs and tasks.
Command Description
bacct Reports accounting statistics on completed LSF jobs
bapp Displays information about jobs that are attached to application profiles
bhist Displays historical information about jobs
bjobs Displays information about jobs
bpeek Displays stdout and stderr of unfinished jobs
bsla Displays information about service class configuration for goal-oriented service-level agreement scheduling
bstatus Reads or sets external job status messages and data files

Submit and control jobs.
Command Description
bbot Moves a pending job relative to the last job in the queue
bchkpnt Checkpoints a checkpoint-able job
bkill Sends a signal to a job
bmig Migrates a checkpoint-able or re-runnable job
bmod Modifies job submission options
brequeue Kills and re-queues a job
bresize Releases slots and cancels pending job resize allocation requests
brestart Restarts a check-pointed job
bresume Resumes a suspended job
bstop Suspends a job
bsub Submits a job
bswitch Moves unfinished jobs from one queue to another
btop Moves a pending job relative to the first job in the queue

bsub command

Selected options for the bsub [options] command[arguments] command

Option Description
-ar Specifies the job is auto-resizable
-H Holds the job in the PSUSP state at submission
-I|-Ip|-Is Submits a batch interactive job. -Ip creates a pseudo-terminal. -Is creates a pseudo-terminal in shell mode.
-K Submits a job and waits for the job to finish
-r Makes a job re-runnable
-x Exclusive execution
-app application_profile_name Submits the job to the specified application profile
-b begin_time Dispatches the job on or after the specified date and time in the form [[month:]day:]:minute
-C core_limit Sets a per-process (soft) core file size limit (KB) for all the processes that belong to this job
-c cpu_time[/host_name | /host_model] Limits the total CPU time the job can use. CPU time is in the form [hour:]minutes
-cwd "current_working_directory" Specifies the current working directory for the job

-D data_limit

Sets the per-process (soft) data segment size limit (KB) for each process that belongs to the job

-E "pre_exec_command [arguments]" Runs the specified pre-exec command on the execution host before the job runs
-Ep "post_exec_command [arguments]" Runs the specified post-exec command on the execution host after the job finishes
-e error_file Appends the standard error output to a file
-eo error_file Overwrites the standard error output of the job to the specified file
-F file_limit Sets per-process (soft) file size limit (KB) for each process that belongs to the job
-f "local_file op[remote_file]" ... Copies a file between the local (submission) host and remote (execution) host. op is one of >, <, <<, ><, <>
-i input_file | -is input_file Gets the standard input for the job from specified file
-J "job_name[index_list]%job_slot_limit" Assigns the specified name to the job. Job array index_list has the form start[-end[:step]], and %job_slot_limit is the maximum number of jobs that can run at the same time.
-k "chkpnt_dir [chkpnt_period][method=method_name]" Makes a job checkpoint-able and specifies the checkpoint directory, period in minutes, and method
-M mem_limit Sets the per-process (soft) memory limit (KB)
-m "host_name [@cluster_name][[!] | +[pref_level]] | host_group[[!] |+[pref_level]] | compute_unit[[!] |+[pref_level]]..." Runs job on one of the specified hosts. Plus (+) after the names of a host or group indicates a preference. Optionally, a positive integer indicates a preference level. Higher numbers indicate a greater preference.
-n min_proc[,max_proc] Specifies the minimum and maximum numbers of processors that are required for a parallel job
-o output_file Appends the standard output to a file
-oo output_file Overwrites the standard output of the job to the specified file
-p process_limit Limit the number of processes for the whole job
-q "queue_name ..." Submits job to one of the specified queues
-R "res_req" [-R "res_req" ...] Specifies host resource requirements
-S stack_limit Sets a per-process (soft) stack segment size limit (KB) for each process that belongs to the job
-sla service_class_name Specifies the service class where the job is to run
-T thread_limit Sets the limit of the number of concurrent threads for the whole job
-t term_time Specifies the job termination deadline in the form [[month:]day:]hour:minute
-v swap_limit Sets the total process virtual memory limit (KB) for the whole job
-W run_time[/host_name | /host_model] Sets the runtime limit of the job in the form [hour:]minute
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits