Performance metrics for switches

Monitor the performance metrics that are collected for physical switches, switch ports, and inter-switch connections.

Table 1. Key port metrics
Metric Description
Bandwidth Percentage (Send) The percentage of the port bandwidth that is used for send operations. This value is an indicator of port bandwidth usage that is based on the speed of the port.
Bandwidth Percentage (Receive) The percentage of the port bandwidth that is used for receive operations. This value is an indicator of port bandwidth usage that is based on the speed of the port.
Bandwidth Percentage (Overall) The percentage of the port bandwidth that is used for send and receive operations. This value is an indicator of port bandwidth usage that is based on the speed of the port.
Data Rate (Send) The average rate at which data is sent by the port. A send operation is a read operation that is processed, or a write operation that is initiated by the port. The rate is measured in MiB per second.
Data Rate (Receive) The average rate at which data is received by the port. A receive operation is a write operation that is processed, or a read operation that is initiated by the port. The rate is measured in MiB per second.
Data Rate (Total) The average rate at which data is transferred through the port. The rate is measured in MiB per second and includes both send and receive operations.
Total Port Error Rate The average number of times per second that an error was detected on the port. This rate is a summation of all the other error rates for the port.
Table 2. I/O rates
Metric Description
Port Frame Rate (Send) The average number of frames per second that are sent by the port.
Port Frame Rate (Receive) The average number of frames per second that are received by the port.
Port Frame Rate (Total) The average number of frames per second that are transferred. This value includes frames that are sent and received by the port.
Table 3. Peak data rates
Metric Description
Peak Data Rate (Send)1 The highest rate at which data is sent by the port. A send operation is a read operation that is processed, or a write operation that is initiated by the port.
Peak Data Rate (Receive)1 The highest rate at which data is received by the port. A receive operation is a write operation that is processed, or a read operation that is initiated by the port.
  1. This metric is only available for ports on Brocade switches. You must use an SMI agent to collect data for this metric. In the Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S), peak data rates for a port are reported in the CIM_FcPortRateStatistics class. For SMI-S Version 1.1, this is an optional class, meaning that it might not be supported by a given vendor. This can result in IBM Spectrum Control displaying zeros for the peak rates, even when there is non-zero traffic flowing through the port. When a vendor does support this class, the peak data rate represents the peak value of the associated metric counter (as reported by the CIM agent used to access the device) over a recent, vendor-defined measurement window (for example, 20 milliseconds) of the IBM Spectrum Control measurement window (for example, 15 minutes).
Table 4. Frame error rates
Metric Description
Bad EOF CRC Error Rate1 The percentage of nonsequential read operations that find data in the cache.You can use this value to understand throughput or response times. Low cache-hit percentages can increase response times because a cache miss requires access to the back-end storage resources.
CRC Error Rate The percentage of nonsequential write operations that are handled in the cache.
Discarded Class 3 Frame Rate The average number of class 3 frames per second that are discarded.
Error Frame Rate1 The average number of error frames per second that are received. An error frame is a frame that violates the Fibre Channel Protocol.
F-BSY Frame Rate2 The average number of F-BSY frames per second that are generated. An F-BSY frame is issued by the fabric to indicate that a frame cannot be delivered because the fabric or destination N_port is busy.
F-RJT Frame Rate2 The average number of F-RJT frames per second that are generated.An F-RJT frame is issued by the fabric to indicate that delivery of a frame was denied.
Long Frame Rate The average number of frames that are received per second that are longer than 2140 octets. This number excludes start-of-frame bytes and end-of-frame bytes. The 2140 octet limit is calculated based on the assumption that a frame has 24 header bytes, 4 CRC bytes, and 2112 data bytes.
Short Frame Rate2 The average number of frames that are received per second that are shorter than 28 octets. This number excludes start-of-frame bytes and end-of-frame bytes. The 28 octet limit is calculated based on the assumption that a frame has 24 header bytes, and 4 CRC bytes.
  1. This metric is only available for ports on Brocade switches.
  2. This metric is only available for ports on Cisco switches.
Table 5. Port protocol error rates
Metric Description
Class 3 Receive Timeout Frame Rate1 The average number of class 3 frames per second that were discarded after reception because of a timeout condition. The timeout condition occurs while a transmitting port waits for buffer credit from a port at the other end of the fibre. When you troubleshoot a SAN, use this metric to help identify port conditions that might slow the performance of the resources to which those ports are connected.
Class 3 Send Timeout Frame Rate1 The average number of class 3 frames per second that were discarded before transmission because of a timeout condition. The timeout condition occurs while the switch or port waits for buffer credit from the receiving port at the other end of the fibre. When you troubleshoot a SAN, use this metric to help identify port conditions that might slow the performance of the resources to which those ports are connected.
Credit Recovery Link Reset Rate The estimated average number of link resets per second that a switch or port completed to recover buffer credits. This estimate attempts to disregard link resets that were caused by link initialization. When you troubleshoot a SAN, use this metric to help identify port conditions that might slow the performance of the resources to which those ports are connected.
Discarded Frame Rate1 The average number of frames per second that are discarded because host buffers are unavailable for the port.
Link Reset Received Rate The average number of times per second that the port changes from an active (AC) state to a Link Recovery (LR2) state.
Link Reset Transmitted Rate The average number of times per second that the port changes from an active (AC) state to a Link Recovery (LR1) state.
Port Congestion Index The estimated degree to which frame transmission was delayed due to a lack of buffer credits. This value is generally 0 - 100. The value 0 means there was no congestion. The value can exceed 100 if the buffer credit exhaustion persisted for an extended amount of time. When you troubleshoot a SAN, use this metric to help identify port conditions that might slow the performance of the resources to which those ports are connected.
Zero Buffer Credit Percentage The amount of time, as a percentage, that the port was not able to send frames between ports because of insufficient buffer-to-buffer credit. The amount of time value is measured from the last time that the node was reset. In Fibre Channel technology, buffer-to-buffer credit is used to control the flow of frames between ports.
Zero Buffer Credit Rate The average number of Zero Buffer Credit conditions per second that occurred. A Zero Buffer Credit condition occurs when a port is unable to send frames because of a lack of buffer credit since the last node reset. When you troubleshoot a SAN, use this metric to help identify port conditions that might slow the performance of the resources to which those ports are connected.
  1. This metric is available only for ports on Brocade switches.
Table 7. Miscellaneous port metrics
Metric Description
Link Quality Percentage The percentage is based on whether the port is an expansion port (E_port) or a fabric port (F_port), and on the numbers and types of errors that are detected by the port.
Port Frame Size (Overall) The average frame transfer size. This value is measured in KiB and includes frames that are sent and frames that are received by the port.
Port Frame Size (Receive) The average size of a frame, in KiB, that is received by the port.
Port Frame Size (Send) The average size of a frame, in KiB, that is sent through the port.