Collecting data

Determining the data that you want to gather about storage resources is critical to helping you implement a storage management strategy. IBM Spectrum Control provides two different jobs for collecting data about resources.

Table 1. Data collection jobs, resources, and related tasks
Data collection job Resources Related tasks
Use probes to collect status, asset, configuration, and capacity information about resources.

Storage systems
Rollup servers (capacity and
status information only)

  • Schedule a probe when you add a resource for monitoring.
  • Modify the schedule for a probe at any time on the list and details pages for a resource. For example, to modify the schedule for a block storage system, go to the Block Storage Systems page or the details page for the block storage system.
  • Use the Rollup server connections page to manage probes for rollup servers.
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Performance monitor
Use performance monitors to collect metrics that measure the performance of resources.

Block storage systems
File storage systems
Object storage systems

  • Schedule a performance monitor when you add a resource for monitoring.
  • Modify the schedule for a performance monitor at any time on the Performance page, and on the list and details pages for the resource.
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