Starting the installation programs

There are various methods to start the IBM Spectrum® Control installation programs and on various operating systems.

Installation program methods

You can use these methods to start the installation programs:
Installation images
You must select an installation image and download and extract these images to a location with adequate disk space.
Storage Resource agent
Contains the files to run local Storage Resource agent installations. You must download the file for the system on which you want the agent to be in.
  • The Storage Resource agent location and operating system file name is the same as the product electronic image.
  • The Storage Resource agent image is in installation_dir/data/sra/operating_system_name.
The operating systems that are supported for the Storage Resource agents are listed in the following table.
Table 1. Operating system for Storage Resource agents.
Operating system Operating system name
Windows windows
AIX® aix_power
Linux® x86 linux_ix86
Linux for Power Systems Servers linux_power
Linux s390 linux_s390
  • If you are using IBM Spectrum Control electronic installation images that are decompressed in a directory that has spaces in the name, IBM Spectrum Control does not install correctly.
    For example, if you have the following directory name:
    • On Windows operating systems:
      C:\Spectrum Control\disk\SC
    • On AIX and Linux operating systems:
      /temp/Spectrum Control/disk/SC
    IBM Spectrum Control does not install correctly.
    When you remove the spaces, and rename the directory, for example:
    • On Windows operating systems:
    • On AIX and Linux operating systems:
    IBM Spectrum Control installs correctly.
  • If you are using IBM Spectrum Control electronic installation images for Linux or AIX operating systems and you download the images to a directory, ensure that your folder name does not contain a . at the end of the folder name.
    For example, if you have a directory name
    When you rename the folder and remove the . at the end of the name, for example:
    IBM Spectrum Control installs correctly.

Starting the installation program on the Windows operating system

To start the IBM Spectrum Control installation program by using an electronic image, complete the following steps.
  1. Download the image into a directory.
  2. Extract the image files.
  3. At the command prompt, enter cd source_installation_directory\SC and then enter setup.bat.

Starting the installation program on the Linux operating system

To start the IBM Spectrum Control installation program from the electronic image, complete the following steps.
  1. Enter the following to create a directory:
    mkdir /SpectrumControl 
  2. Download the image into the SpectrumControl directory.
  3. Enter this command to extract the image files:
    tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz
  4. Ensure that the user name that you plan to use as the IBM Spectrum Control common user is in the root group and the db2iadm1 group. If the user name is not in a group, you can add the user as shown in the following command example. In this example, the user name is db2inst1.
    usermod -a -G root db2inst1
  5. Navigate to the /SpectrumControl/SC directory by entering:
    cd /SpectrumControl/SC
  6. Set up your shell environment to point to the instance where the database repository is installed. Source the db2profile for the instance that you want. For example, if the Db2® instance is db2inst1, you can source the db2profile by entering:
    . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile 
    Remember: There is a space between . and /home.
  7. Start the installation program by running the ./setup.bin command from the same command shell that you used in step 6.

Starting the installation program on the AIX operating system

To start the IBM Spectrum Control installation program from the electronic image, complete the following steps:
  1. Enter the following to create a directory:
    mkdir /SpectrumControl 
  2. Download the image into the SpectrumControl directory.
  3. Enter this command to extract the image files:
    tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz
  4. Ensure that the user name that you plan to use as the IBM Spectrum Control common user is in the system group and the db2iadm1 group. If the user name is not in a group, you can add the user as shown in the following command example. In this example, the user name is db2inst1.
    usermod -G system db2inst1
    Tip: If the user is already a member of secondary groups, the usermod command removes the db2inst1 user name from all of the secondary groups except for the system group. To preserve the existing secondary group memberships, provide a comma separated list of secondary groups after the -G flag. For more information, enter man usermod at the command prompt.
  5. Navigate to the /SpectrumControl/SC directory.
    cd /SpectrumControl/SC
  6. Set up your shell environment to point to the instance where the database repository is installed. Source the db2profile for the instance that you want. For example, if the Db2 instance is db2inst1, you can source the db2profile by entering:
    . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile 
    Remember: There is a space between . and /home.
  7. Start the installation program by running the ./setup.bin command from the same command shell that you used in step 6.