Exporting data connectors

Exporting an existing data connector from the cluster management console to the file system.

Before you begin

  • You must be a cluster administrator to use the export operation.
  • At least one data connector must be present in the cluster management console.

About this task

This task involves exporting an existing Spark data connector to a package under the EGO_CONFDIR/../../conductorspark/conf/dataconnectors/export directory. Spark data connectors are composed of sets of Spark configuration parameters and optional .jar files that are included in the Spark application at run time. The package that is being exported can be used for importing later.


  1. From the cluster management console, go to Resources > Frameworks > Data Connector Management.
  2. In the Data Connector Management page, select the data connector that you want to export from the cluster, and click Export.
  3. In the Confirm dialog box, verify the type of data connector you want to export. Click Export.
  4. If the export operation is successful, you receive a message that indicates the type and version of the data connector that was exported on the screen.
    Note: Data connectors get exported to the file system. They are not explicitly pushed to the browser as the size of libraries and .jar files might be arbitrarily large.


The data connector previously existent in the cluster management console is exported to the file system.