Installing or upgrading from a binary rpm file

The IBM Spectrum® Archive Single Drive Edition program on can be installed or upgraded on a Linux® system from a binary rpm file.

Complete the following steps to install IBM Spectrum Archive SDE by using an rpm file:

  1. Log on to the operating system as a root user.
  2. If IBM Spectrum Archive SDE is already mounted, unmount it before you continue with this procedure by using the following command:
    # umount /mnt/ltfs
    Note: If IBM Spectrum Archive SDE is already installed, uninstall it before you continue with this procedure. Refer to the topic Uninstalling from a Linux System in the Related information section.
  3. Use the following command to install or upgrade the rpm file:
    # rpm -Uhv ./ltfssde-[revision]-[distribution].[arch].rpm
    Note: The command is the same, whether installing for the first time or upgrading the rpm file. For example, to install IBM Spectrum Archive SDE, revision 7000, using a Red Hat® Linux distribution on Intel x86_64 architecture, use the following command:
    # rpm -Uvh ./ltfsssde-

    You must add the binary files that are installed under /opt/ibm/ltfsde/bin. Adding the /opt/ibm/ltfsde/bin file path to your PATH environmental value and to your search path enables the use of commands such as ltfs, ltfsck, and mkltfs without specifying the full path name. For example, the full path name for the mkltfs command is /opt/ibm/ltfsde/bin/mkltfs.

  4. Merge /opt/ibm/ltfssde/etc/ltfs.conf.local and /opt/ibm/ltfssde/etc/ltfs.conf.local.rpmsave if /opt/ibm/ltfssde/etc/ltfs.conf.local.rpmsave exists after the upgrade.
  5. Merge /opt/ibm/ltfssde/etc/ltfs.conf.local and /opt/ibm/ltfssde/etc/ltfs.conf.local.rpmnew if /opt/ibm/ltfssde/etc/ltfs.conf.local.rpmnew exists after the upgrade.
  6. Use the following command to verify the current version of IBM Spectrum Archive SDE:
    # rpm -q ltfssde
    Note: This step is optional.