
The ltfs_ordered_copy command copies files from the source to the destination with LTFS order optimization.

Note: The ltfs_ordered_copy command is not supported on Windows systems.

The command attempts to acquire a file list to copy to DESTINATION when no SOURCE is specified.

Command syntax

ltfs_ordered_copy [-p] [-r] [-t TARGET_DIRECTORY] [--keep-tree CUTOFF_PREFIX] [-a] [-v] [--verbose LOG_LEVEL] [-q] [-h] [SOURCE ...] [DESTINATION]

Command options
-a, --all
Achieve the files recursively and preserve the attributes.
The CUTOFF_PREFIX is effective only when the file list is provided from stdin and the keep-tree option is enabled. The CUTOFF_PREFIX is removed from the file paths copied to the destination.
Preserve the attributes with shutil.copy2() in Python interpreter.
-q, --quiet
No message output.
-r, --recursive
Copy the directories recursively.
-t, --target-directory=TARGET_DIRECTORY
Copy all SOURCE arguments into the TARGET_DIRECTORY.
Verbose output. Set VERBOSE level 5.
Configure the verbosity of the logger. VERBOSE can be set to 0-6. (Default: 4)

Command examples

Simple usage.

Copy file /foo/aaa to file /foo/bbb

       $ ltfs_ordered_copy /foo/aaa /foo/bbb

Copy file /foo/aaa and /foo/bbb to directory /bar/

       $ ltfs_ordered_copy /foo/aaa /foo/bbb /bar

Copy directory /foo/ddd and /foo/DDD to directory /bar/

       $ ltfs_ordered_copy /foo/ddd /foo/DDD /bar
How to use with the find command.

Copy all files under /foo/ddd to directory /bar

       $ find /foo/ddd -type f | ltfs_ordered_copy -t /bar

Copy all directories just under /foo/ddd to directory /bar

       $ find /foo/ddd -type d -maxdepth 1 | ltfs_ordered_copy -t /bar

Copy all files just under /foo/ddd to directory /bar with keeping tree (Chop /foo/ddd from source list)

       $ find /foo/ddd -type f | ltfs_ordered_copy -t /bar --keep-tree=/foo/ddd