Configuring connection to IBM Call Home Web

IBM Call Home Web allows you to view online support information for one or more IBM storage systems in a consistent and consolidated manner.

The standard Call Home option (see Enabling the Proactive Support and Remote Support options) allows you to set up the Spectrum Accelerate system to automatically send pre-failure or failure notifications to the IBM® Troubleshooting Ticketing System in the IBM Service Center. This information can help IBM Support to better diagnose issues with your systems and proactively assist you in identifying them and in developing an action plan for their fast resolution.

While the standard Call Home information is accessible to IBM® Support only, you can now view the information online through IBM Call Home Web. The information is presented in a consistent and consolidated manner. It includes descriptive events with a link to the repair procedure, generated by the standard Call Home option, an exportable system summary, recommended software levels, and your system information. The solution is also available via a mobile device.

Additional features allow you to view such details as the last automated problem report received, maintenance contract expiration date, last inventory received, and last heartbeat received. When configured to send notifications, Call Home Web notifies you via email upon receipt of an event from Call Home.
Figure 1. IBM Call Home and Call Home Web
This diagram shows the IBM Call Home and Call Home Web services.
Note: Call Home Web is only available for systems under warranty or maintenance contract.

The Call Home dashboard is included in release 3.0 of the IBM Technical Support mobile app. You can download the latest iOS version of the app from iTunes (, and the latest Android version of the app from Google Play (

To use Call Home Web, you must first enable the standard Call Home option on your system, as explained in Enabling the Proactive Support and Remote Support options.

Then, add your system to Call Home Web. This operation is authorized to the following Spectrum Accelerate user roles:

  • Storage integration administrator
  • Storage administrator
  • Application administrator

To add your system to Call Home Web, one of the above Spectrum Accelerate users must issue the custom event similar to the following, but with properly substituted information values:

custom_event custom_event_description="PMR_TEST: Test Call Home:
Contact Name = 'Chris Moore': Contact Phone Number = '720-659-1702':
Contact Email Address = '': ICN = '0818478'"

Upon receiving this event, the IBM Service Center generates a test event and establishes an association with your system.

To disconnect a storage system from Call Home Web:
  • Go to the System Details page and click Remove System from Call Home Web.
Note: You can only remove a system that is fully added (activated and confirmed). If you need to remove a system that was accidentally added or cannot be confirmed, click Feedback and request that the system be removed.

For comprehensive information about Call Home Web, see IBM Call Home assistance webpage.