Configuring properties to connect with IBM Z Service Management Explorer

To launch the IBM Z® Service Management Explorer (IZSME) plug-in directly from the IBM® Service Management Unite web console, you need to first configure properties to enable and establish the connection between the IBM Service Management Unite server and IZSME.


  1. In the navigation bar, click System Configuration > Configure Service Management Unite to start the web configuration tool.
  2. Click SMU Integration Configuration to switch tab to open the configuration page.
  3. On the IZSME and zWIN tab, specify the Zowe hostname and Zowe port of the Zowe desktop.
  4. Select Enable IBM Z Service Management Explorer (IZSME). The properties field is displayed.
  5. Specify the IZSME application identifier of the IZSME plug-in. The identifier is a unique string ID (commonly styled as a Java™ resource) of a plug-in, which must match what is in the pluginDefinition.json on Zowe™ Desktop.
  6. Click Save to save all your changes.
  7. Restart Service Management Unite to make your changes take effect.