Include a manual job in the flow diagram

Add a local job to the flow by selecting the Insert Manual Job work item in the Flow Editor.

About this task

You can include a manual job in the flow diagram wherever you want to indicate a manual process that must take place before the flow can continue. Successors of the manual job cannot run until the manual job is explicitly completed.

When the flow is ready for the manual job to be completed, an email is sent to the owner of the flow or job. When you define the manual job, you specify the email address and the text to be included in the email.

Including a manual job in a flow does not stop the entire flow from processing: only the specific path that contains the manual job is halted until the job is completed.


  1. Within a flow in Flow Editor, click the Insert Manual Job icon.
  2. Click the workspace in the location where you want to insert the job.

    The Manual Job icon is inserted in your flow definition.

  3. Right-click the Manual Job icon and select Open Definition.

    The definition is displayed.

  4. Define job details.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.