Role Membership

Use this page to add or remove members from a static role.

Members table
Lists the current users who are members of the role. To sort the table by a specific column, click the arrow in the column heading. The table contains these columns:
Specifies a user. To select one or more users, select the check box adjacent to the user. To select all users, select the check box at the top of the column.
User Name
Identifies the full name of the user. Click the name of the user to view the user's personal profile.
Business Unit
Identifies the user's business unit.
If the table contains multiple pages, you can:
  • Click the arrow to go to the next page.
  • Type the number of the page that you want to view and click Go.

You can use these buttons:

Click to add a member to the role.
Click to remove a selected member from the role.