Dictionary for a password policy

You can create a dictionary for a password policy rule that rejects certain terms as passwords.

To use a dictionary for a password policy rule, you must first create and load a dictionary.ldif file to the Identity Manager Server. To create a dictionary for a password policy rule:

  1. Using an ASCII or other plain text editor, create a dictionary that contains the list of terms in an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file.

    For example, create a file similar to this dictionary.ldif file, which specifies the domain as dc=com:

    dn: erword=test,erdictionaryname=password, ou=itim, dc=com
    erWord: test
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: erDictionaryItem
    dn: erword=secret,erdictionaryname=password, ou=itim, dc=com
    erWord: secret
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: erDictionaryItem
    dn: erword=password,erdictionaryname=password, ou=itim, dc=com
    erWord: password
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: erDictionaryItem
  2. Use an LDAP browser to import the dictionary.ldif file on to the Identity Manager Server.
  3. Load the dictionary.ldif file on to the IBM® Security Directory Server with one of these procedures:
    • Use an LDAP browser to import the dictionary.ldif file.
    • On the command prompt of the LDAP server, enter this command on one line.
      ITDS_HOME/bin/ldapadd.exe -h hostname -D cn=adminuser
       -w adminpwd -V 3 -f dictionary.ldif
      -h hostname
      Specifies the host name of the computer on which the LDAP server is running.
      -D cn=adminuser
      Specifies the administrator's distinguished name to bind to the LDAP directory.
      -w adminpwd
      Specifies the administrator's distinguished name password, for simple authentication.
      -V ldap_version
      Specifies the version of the LDAP protocol to use. The default value is 3, for the LDAP v3 protocol. A value of 2 uses the LDAP v2 protocol.
      -f file
      Reads the entry modification information from a file such as dictionary.ldif, instead of from standard input.

The dictionary file can now be used in the password strength rule.