Installing the adapter language pack

With the adapters language pack, all languages are automatically made available to the adapters. You do not need to install a separate language pack to get the specific language.

Before you begin

Download the Identity Manager Language Pack v6.x for Adapters from IBM Passport Advantage® at

Verify that the Identity Manager server and related processes are running.

About this task

This task is for Administrators only.

When you import the adapters language pack, any previously installed language pack is overlaid.


  1. Log in to the IBM Security Identity Manager console.
  2. Click Configure System > Manage Service Types.
  3. On the Manage Service Types window, click Import.
  4. On the Service Definition File field, click Browse.
  5. Search for the timx_agents.jar file and click Open.
    This file contains the translated labels for all adapters in all the supported languages.
  6. Click OK.
  7. On the Success page, click Close.