The NAD Group

The standard allows the NAD group (Name and Address) to be used up to 20 times. In the NAD group, you have already activated the NAD segment to contain the name and address of an entity or individual. Your trading partner uses the NAD group to send you these three types of addresses:

  • Party to be billed (Party Qualifier AA)
  • Buyer (Party Qualifier BY)
  • Ship to (Party Qualifier ST)

The NAD segment identifies the Name and Address of an entity or individual. The NAD01 element is a mandatory element in the NAD segment and contains the three-character qualifier identifying the type of party in the NAD segment.

The NAD01 element (Party Qualifier) identifies the type of party in the NAD segment. For this tutorial, you know that your trading partner sends only these three types of names/addresses: Party to be billed, Buyer, and Ship to. You want the meaningful description of the qualifier on the printout instead of the qualifier itself.

To print the description of the EDI code value, you must copy the NAD01 element to another element in the NAD segment, then use the new NAD element to print the description of the Party Qualifier code.