/connmanager/v1/scan/<connection>/partial: POST

Initiates a partial scan of the datasource connection.

This API endpoint initiates a partial scan of the datasource connection by specifying a list of one or more partitions to be scanned.

The table shows the roles that can access this REST API endpoint:
Table 1. Access by role
Data admin Data user Collection Admin Admin Service user
X 1 X X
1Collection Admin users can initiate a partial scan of connections for collections to which they have been assigned.

Synopsis of the request URL

curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' 
https://<spectrum_discover_host>/connmanager/v1/scan/connection/partial -X POST -H ’Content-type: application/json’ 

Supported request types and response formats

Supported request types:
  • POST
Supported input fields:
  • JSON input in the following form:
    {"partitions": ["partition1", "partition2", "etc."]}
  • JSON input in the following form for NFS partial scanning:
    {"partitions": [{"dir": "/exports/example/a", "recursive": true}, {"dir": "/exports/example/b", "recursive": false}]}
    where each subdirectory to scan is an item of the array with the following structure:
        "dir": "/exports/example/a", // Directory path that starts with the mount point of the NFS connection
        "recursive": false // true if directories inside of the provided path should be scanned recursively
Supported response formats:
  • JSON

    Returns the status of whether or not the scan was started successfully. Error messages are displayed if JSON is malformed or if a specified partition is not found on the filesystem.


Issue the following request in one line:
curl -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST 
https://<spectrum_discover_host>/connmgr/v1/scan/smb1/partial -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json"
 -X POST -d'{"partitions": ["dir1"]}
Issue the following NFS partial scan request:
curl -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST 
https://<spectrum_discover_host>/connmgr/v1/scan/nfs-1/partial -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json"
 -X POST -d'{"partitions":[{"dir":"/exports/data","recursive":true}]}'

The following response is returned:

{"status": "Success"}