The following steps are common for all types of installation.
- Verify Docker Service on a Remote Virtual Machine
- Disable Mask Read Community String
- Create MySQL User
Verify Docker Service on a Remote Virtual Machine
If you are deploying on a remote Virtual Machine, execute the steps below to enable and start the docker service.
Login to the targeted remote Virtual Machine.
$ ssh root@<remote Virtual Machine>
Ensure docker is installed.
Minimum docker version requirement for the WLC collector is 18.06.1.
To install a specific version of the docker, please refer to for details. -
After docker is successfully installed, enable and start the docker service.
Enable Docker
$ systemctl enable docker Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service.
Start Docker
$ systemctl start docker
Verify docker version.
$ docker version Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 19.03.5 API version: 1.40 Go version: go1.12.12 Git commit: 633a0ea838 Built: Wed Nov 13 07:50:12 2019 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false Server: Docker Engine - Community Engine: Version: 19.03.5 API version: 1.40 (minimum version 1.12) Go version: go1.12.12 Git commit: 633a0ea838 Built: Wed Nov 13 07:48:43 2019 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false containerd: Version: 1.2.10 GitCommit: b34a5c8af56e510852c35414db4c1f4fa6172339 runc: Version: 1.0.0-rc8+dev GitCommit: 3e425f80a8c931f88e6d94a8c831b9d5aa481657 docker-init: Version: 0.18.0 GitCommit: fec3683
If the minimum docker version requirement is met but the docker service is not enabled and/or started, the install script automatically enables and starts the docker service. Please refer to Install or Upgrade Collector on SevOne NMS.Docker is now installed. -
Using the text editor of your choice, change docker bridge0 ip by adding the following to /etc/docker/daemon.json file. This is an optional step.
This step is needed if you have devices with IPs that match docker0 address space in order to be able to reach them.Example: /etc/docker/daemon.json
{ "bip": "", "storage-driver": "overlay2", "storage-opts": [ "overlay2.override_kernel_check=true" ] }
If docker is not installed and you need to install the docker components, please contact IBM SevOne Support.
Disable Mask Read Community String
To disable the Mask Read Community String, execute the steps below on the SevOne NMS appliance.
- To access the SevOne NMS login page, navigate to the appropriate URL in your browser.
- From the navigation bar, click the Administration menu > select Cluster Manager > Cluster Settings tab > Security subtab > uncheck Mask Read Community String check box.
Create MySQL User
- The collector only supports SNMPv3 authPriv and authNoPriv modes.
- IP address used for MySQL queries must be the same as the value defined for the flag SEVONE_API_HOST.
To create MySQL user, execute the following steps on the MySQL instance of SevOne NMS.
SevOne NMS has two instances of MySQL - mysql and mysql2. For the following steps, only mysql is being used. The default port for mysql is TCP 3306 unless changed by the user to a different port.
The following allows the user to check the user's permission for the mysql instance.
$ SHOW GRANTS FOR '{user_name}'@'{host}';
SSH to SevOne NMS appliance.
$ ssh root@<NMS appliance>
Open a MySQL instance.
$ mysql
For the following steps
- <user> is the username. This should also be provided as MYSQL_USER in the .env files for the collector.
- <ip_address> is the IP Address of the NMS (if running the collector on NMS) or the IP Address of the remote Virtual Machine (if running the collector on the remote Virtual Machine).
- <password> is the password to be set for the user. This should also be provided as MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD in the .env files for the collector.
Create a user.
$ CREATE USER '<user>'@'<ip_address>' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
Grant privileges to the user.
$ GRANT SELECT, EXECUTE ON *.* to '<user>'@'<ip_address>' identified by '<password>';
You must run the following command to measure the values of the Radio Signal Strength and Signal Noise indicators in dBm.$ GRANT INSERT ON *.* to '<user>'@'<ip_address>' identified by '<password>';
Flush the privileges.