Java statistics monitoring (jstat) tool

Use the jstat tool to obtain Java Virtual Machine (JVM) statistics. The tool is similar to the HotSpot tool of the same name; the Eclipse OpenJ9™ version of jstat is an independent implementation, added for compatibility.

The command syntax is as follows:

jstat [<option>] [<vmid>]

where vmid is the Attach API virtual machine identifier for the Java process. This ID is typically the same as the operating system process ID, unless you specified the system property when you started the process.

VMID is shown in Java process status (jps) tool or other Attach API-based tools.

On its own, jstat prints help information. The values for <option> are as follows:

The output has the following format:

Class Loaded    Class Unloaded
         860                 0


The tool uses the Attach API, and has the following limitations:

For more information about the Attach API, including how to enable and secure it, see Support for the Java Attach API.