Java process status (jps) tool

Use the jps tool to query running Java™ processes. The tool shows information for every Java process that is owned by the current user ID on the current host. The command syntax is as follows:

jps [<options>]

where the available <options> are as follows:

The output has the following format:

<VMID> [[<class_name>|<jar_name>|"Unknown"] [<application_args>][<vm_args>]]

where VMID is the Attach API virtual machine identifier for the Java process. This ID is often, but not always, the same as the operating system process ID. One example where the ID might be different is if you specified the system property when you started the process.

For example:

$ jps -l

$ jps -q

Restrictions: This tool is not supported and is subject to change or removal in future releases. Although similar in usage and output to the HotSpot tool of the same name, this tool is a different implementation that is specific to Eclipse OpenJ9™.

The tool uses the Attach API, and has the following limitations:

For more information about the Attach API, including how to enable and secure it, see Java Attach API.