What's new in version 0.43.0

The following new features and notable changes since version 0.42.0 are included in this release:

Features and changes

Change in the large page memory allocation behavior

Earlier, the JIT code cache was allocated memory as a multiple of the available page size even if the configured large page size was greater than the total JIT code cache size.

Now, if the configured large page size is greater than the size of the total code cache for JIT, then the page size that is used for code cache allocation is recalculated. The next available lower page size on the platform is used for the code cache allocation.

For more information, see -Xlp:codecache.

New -XX:Compatibility option added

The Elasticsearch application was facing incompatibility issues when it was running on OpenJ9 and required many workarounds. With the -XX:Compatibility option, you can enable a compatibility mode that OpenJ9 can run in to support applications that require specific capabilities.

In release 0.43.0, the compatibility mode is provided for the Elasticsearch application only.

For more information, see -XX:Compatibility.

New -XX:[+|-]CpuLoadCompatibility option added

The getProcessCpuLoad() and getSystemCpuLoad() methods were returning -1 to indicate that the recent CPU usage is not available when these methods were called in OpenJ9 for the first time. It was difficult to identify whether the reason for the -1 value was an error or because the call was the first call and therefore, no recent CPU usage was available.

In OpenJDK, these methods return 0 value in the case of the first call, which makes it easier to differentiate between the first call behavior and an error that needs further investigation.

The -XX:+CpuLoadCompatibility option is used to enable the OpenJDK behavior of the getProcessCpuLoad() and getSystemCpuLoad() methods in OpenJ9 so that these methods return 0 when called in OpenJ9 for the first time.

For more information, see -XX:[+|-]CpuLoadCompatibility.

Support added for the com.sun.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadAllocatedBytes() API on z/OS platforms

With this release, support for the com.sun.management.ThreadMXBean.getThreadAllocatedBytes() API is added on z/OSĀ® platforms as well.