
The new features and functions available with this release are listed here.

This refresh contains the latest IBM® fixes, the most recent OpenJDK level, and the following new features.

OpenJ9 features
This release contains features from the latest release of the Eclipse OpenJ9 project, as listed in the Version 0.40 OpenJ9 user documentation.
Other features
This release contains the following new features.
zEnterprise Data Compression
The zEnterprise® Data Compression (zEDC) Express® adapter and the Integrated Accelerator for zEDC solution for z15® or later, which was supported in the IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, version 8 but was not available in the previous releases of version 11, is now supported. For more information, see zEnterprise Data Compression.
Ability to specify safkeyring and java.protocol.handler.pkgs
The RACF keystore-independent URL safkeyring can be used to specify the RACF key ring and user ID along with the option java.protocol.handler.pkgs. Note that this way of using safkeyrings was available in version 8 of the SDK but was not available in the previous releases of 11. The URL safkeyring can be used instead of safkeyringjce in the IBMZSecurity provider, safkeyringjcehybrid in the IBMJCEHybrid provider, and safkeyringjcecca in the IBMJCECCA provider.
Prerequisite PTFs list updated for the z/OS operating system levels
Certain prerequisite Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs) must be installed on z/OS 2.4 and 2.5 to run the SDK. For information about the PTFs, see Prerequisite PTFs section in the Installing the SDK topic.
New operating system support
The following operating systems are now supported:
  • z/OS 3.1
For more information, see Installing the SDK topic.