
This version of the SDK and runtime environment contains changes compared to earlier releases. If you are migrating from an earlier version of the SDK or runtime environment, you should read this section of the User Guide to determine whether any changes might be needed to your applications.

Significant changes for IBM® Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS®, 11 include the following main areas:
  • The introduction of the Java™ Platform Module System, as detailed in Java Specification Request (JSR) 376. These changes affect all implementations of Java SE 11.
  • The inclusion of OpenJDK class libraries instead of proprietary class libraries that IBM obtained under a license agreement with Oracle in earlier releases of the SDK.
  • The removal of specific IBM proprietary class library extensions including the IBM Object Request Broker (ORB), IBM XML implementation, and certain IBM security components.

Further information about these changes are included in the sections that follow.