Unified expression language

The Unified expression language can be used to access the properties within the flow instance runtime.


After the flow is triggered by using the Execution URL, a set of default or built-in properties are populated within the flow instance. In addition, some properties are populated by the tasks that are used within the flow.

The document demonstrates a set of different functions or conditional operators that are used in expressions.

The user needs to follow a particular syntax to declare an expression in tasks and decision points for a particular flow. The expression must begin with @context and end with @. For example, @context.__tenantid@.

Note: The description of properties used an example in this document can be referenced from here.

Accessing flow instance properties

Each flow instance property has its own type. Hence, accessing the property value is influenced by the type of the property. The supported property types are 'String', 'Number', 'Boolean', 'JSON' and 'Array'. Refer the further provided details to understand how each of these different property types can be used.

  • A string or Boolean or number can be accessed as @context.propertyName@. For example,
    • status - @context.status@
    • __tenantid - @context.__tenantid@
    • __locale - @context.__locale@
  • A nested JSON property can be accessed either by using the '.' delimiters or with [] brackets. For example,
    • userName from user property - @context.user.id@
    • messageId from error property - @context.error.messageId@
    • id from user property - @context.user['id']@
    • The [] brackets must be used to access child properties only.
    • The nested properties that contain '.' delimiters must be included within [] brackets.
  • An array property can be accessed by using the required index within [] brackets. For example,
    • email from user property - @context.user.emails[0].value@ or @context.user['emails'][0].value@
    • custom attribute name from user property - @context.user['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ibm:2.0:User'].customAttributes[0].name@

Expression language usage in input parameters

Flow expression language can be used to access instance properties in input parameters for tasks. Input parameters also support expression language along with operators. Binary and ternary operators can be used along with expressions in input parameters. Refer to the following examples

  • Accessing Property - @context.themeId@
  • Using binary operator - @context.user.userName@ == "Jessica Hill"
  • Using ternary operator - @context.user['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ibm:2.0:User'].userCategory@ == "regular" ? @context.basicLdapUrl@ : @context.federatedUrl@
Note: Signal input parameter doesn't support expressions. Any provided content is treated as a string.

Exclusive gateway condition builder

The exclusive gateway decision path is built on condition builder. Condition builder is available on the outgoing sequence flow from exclusive gateway. Condition builder starts with 'if' condition set and can have zero or more 'or' condition sets. Each condition set can have multiple conditions. Each condition is divided into three sections - Attribute, Operator, and Value.

For the Attribute section, user can select a property from the pre-defined properties drop down and can also enter custom flow instance property.
Note: Custom flow instance property must begin with @context and end with @. For example, to access a custom property named responseCode, the user can enter - @context.responseCode@.

The Value section supports string, number, Boolean, and flow expression language as input.

Note: The list of default flow instance properties along with its data type, can be referenced from here.
Condition builder provides a list of predefined operators to build a condition. The table shows the list of operators that are supported by condition builder.
Operator Supported data types Description Example
equal to String, Number and Boolean The attribute and value in the comparison are of equal value. @context.status@ equal to failed.
not equal to String, Number and Boolean The attribute and value in the comparison are not of equal value. @context.themeId@ not equal to default.
less than Number The attribute in the comparison has a lesser value than the value. @context.numericProperty@ (assume there is a variable named numericProperty in the context) less than 20.
less than or equal to Number The attribute in the comparison is less than or equal to the value. @context.numericProperty@ less than or equal to 20.
greater than Number The attribute in the comparison has a greater value than the value. @context.numericProperty@ greater than 20.
greater than or equal to Number The attribute in the comparison is greater than or equal to the value. @context.numericProperty@ greater than or equal to 20.
is true Boolean The attribute property is evaluated to true. @context.booleanProperty@ (assume there is a variable named booleanProperty in the context) is true.
is false Boolean The attribute property is evaluated to false. @context.booleanProperty@ is false.
has property _ The attribute contains a property that is mentioned in value. @context.user.name@ has property givenName
is not null String, Number and Boolean The attribute is not null. @context.user.name.givenName@ is not null.
is not empty String The attribute is not empty. @context.user.name.givenName@ is not empty.
  • The is true, is false, is not null, and is not empty operators do not require the Value section.
  • To compute complex conditions, the user must use Function task. For example, to filter a user from a list of users based on some attributes. The filtered user can be then accessed by using the expression.
  • A data type can be converted to String by placing it within "". For example, number 10 can be converted to string as "10", or Boolean value true can be converted to string as "true".