Managing flow designer

IBM® Security Verify Flow designer facilitates in creating, managing, and implementing a customized requirement by using a set of pre-defined tasks. These tasks can be used individually or with other tasks to create the appropriate flow. A custom requirement can be a user onboarding scenario that prompts a user with specific messages or instructions to achieve a specific function.

Before you begin

Note: This feature can be enabled upon request. To request this feature, contact your IBM Sales representative or IBM contact and indicate your interest in enabling this capability. If you have permission to create a support ticket, create a support ticket with the feature name "flow designer". Note that IBM Security Verify trial subscriptions cannot create support tickets.
  • You must have administrative permission to complete this task. Additionally, a user with readFlows permission can view and run the flow or with manageFlows permission can have complete access to the Flow designer. For more information on creating user role, see Creating an administrator role.
  • Log in to the IBM Security Verify administration console as an Administrator. For more information, see Accessing IBM Security Verify.


  1. Select User experience > Flow designer.

    If no previous flows exist in the tenant, click the Create flow button to design a flow from scratch or click the Import hyperlink to upload existing flow file from the local system.

    Note: The import functionality supports .bpmn file format and a maximum file size of 5 MB. It may be needed to make environment-specific configuration changes within the flow and its tasks after the file is imported.

    For existing flows, the Flow designer screen displays the records in a tabular format, providing Description, Last modified and Status details. The screen provides search, import, refresh, and pagination options.

    Hovering-over the flow record displays the following icons that enable to perform the certain actions.

    The Export icon enables exporting the .bpmn flow file. The file name can be modified and entered in the File name field, if needed.

    • The functionality supports exporting the core flow .bpmn file and not the dependencies such as forms, or pages.
    • It is not required to enter the .bpmn extension in the File name field.
    The Preview icon is displayed only for the Published flow. Clicking the icon opens the flow in a new screen along with a defined toolbar that enables to do certain actions.
    Note: The Published flow cannot be edited in Preview mode.
  2. Click Create flow button to create a new flow. In the opened Create flow screen, enter the Name and Description in the provided fields and click Create flow button.
  3. A new canvas screen to create the flow is opened.
    The left-side bar includes the following tools:
    Icon Description
    Task Click the Task icon to view and select from the opened Tasks panel.
    Decision points Click the Decision points icon to select one or more appropriate events from the opened panel.
    The following tools are included in the toolbar for better user experience:
    Icon Description
    zoom in Click the Zoom in icon to enlarge the flow diagram size.
    zoom out Click the Zoom out icon to reduce the flow diagram size.
    Zoom to fit Click the Zoom to fit icon to resize the flow diagram to its original state.
    minimap Click the Minimap icon to orient within the canvas that displays the created flow.
    No errors The default icon that is displayed if no errors are found in the flow. If there are any errors in the flow, Has errors icon gets displayed, clicking which opens the list of errors.
    Settings The icon opens the Settings panel that displays the General settings and Trace settings.
    Note: The Trace settings get displayed only for Published flow.
  4. Click the Add to canvas from the Task or Decision points tile to add that node to the flow or drag-and-drop the node.
    Clicking the specific node opens its description panel that displays details about it. For a task, the information includes the Input parameters, Output parameters, and Learn more hyperlink that can be clicked to view the detailed information .
  5. In the canvas, click the added node and update the input parameters in their respective properties editor panel.

    Use the connectors to link one node to the other.

    • If any of the required properties is missing in the flow, its corresponding node and the toolbar displays the Alert icon to define the errors. These errors must be fixed to publish the flow. The Fix now link gets displayed for auto-fixable errors, clicking which optimizes the flow by fixing the specific error.
    • In addition, the Invalid expression error(s) need to be fixed before saving the flow as Draft.
  6. Add the End event to complete the process within the flow after it is designed to meet the objectives.
  7. Click Save to save the flow design as a Draft.

    After the changes are successfully saved, a notification gets displayed with View all flows hyperlink that can be clicked to open the Flow designer main screen.

    The saved flow gets listed in the Flow designer screen with Draft status.

  8. Click Publish button to publish the created flow.
    Note: The flow cannot be published before all the errors are fixed.

    The flow gets listed in the Flow designer screen with Published status.

What to do next

For Published flow, click the Settings icon. The opened Settings panel displays the General settings and Trace settings.
  • General settings - Click the Launch icon that is adjacent the Execution URL field to launch the flow. Click the Copy error icon to copy the Execution URL, if user wants to launch the flow with additional query parameters.
  • Trace settings - It can be used to generate additional logs to debug Function tasks using a time-bound Trace URL. Configure the Trace URL validity and click Generate trace URL.

    The Trace URL is non-recoverable and is lost when the Settings panel is closed. Ensure to Launch or Copy the URL.

    The Trace URL validity can be configured up to a maximum of 8 hours.