List the themes

Get a list of available themes on your tenant.

Before you begin

Get an access token. See Managing themes.


Get a list of themes with the following command.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" https://<tenant>/v1.0/branding/themes
The fully qualified domain name that is assigned to your Verify subscription.
The value of the access token you received in Managing themes.


The result is a map <String, JSONObject> where the keys are the themes and the values are a JSONObject of the name, description, and ID of each registered theme for the tenant as shown in the following results example. The default theme is also included in the list.
{"count":3,"limit":200,"page":1,"total":3,"themeRegistrations":[{"name":"test","id":"715c117f-64b7-4232-8079-43f615f2c880"},{"name":"john","id":"b95801ed-583a-403d-b483-4f137fff8601"},{"name":"default","description":"Default Theme","id":"default"}]}


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer JUHn05z35P4Kd9QaCLHFEyMGEbzeCOo0faBefI9w"