Enabling the Anti-Malware module

The Anti-Malware module is an on-demand module that you install on the Windows 64-bit endpoints that already have the QRadar® EDR Agent. When you enable the Anti-Malware module, the QRadar EDR Agent automatically downloads and installs the module.

About this task


For more information about enabling the Anti-Malware module in an MSSP environment, see Managing MSSP clients.


  1. Click Administration > Anti-Malware Settings.
  2. Set the Enable the Anti-Malware module toggle to the on position.
    The Anti-Malware module is automatically downloaded and installed by the QRadar EDR Agent.
  3. Select the protection level for endpoints with the Anti-Malware module.
    Protection level Description
    Detection Identify threats in new files and all installed applications, create alerts without removing artifacts from the disk.
    Standard Protection Identify and remove threats in a user's Documents and Downloads folders, and in running applications.
    Advanced Protection Extend protection and scanning to all installed software applications.
    Aggressive Protection Run in-depth scans of every application and file, including system folders.
  4. If you need to exclude any paths from Anti-Malware module protection, click Create antimalware exceptions.
    1. Provide an exception policy name and description.
    2. Provide the path to be excluded.
      The following paths are examples of paths that might be excluded.
      • *
      • %SystemDrive%
      • %SystemRoot%
      • %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%

      You can also exclude specific executable files by using the following notation.


  5. Click Administration > Update Manager, and enable the Anti-Malware distribution.
  6. Edit the Targets field.
    • To deliver the updated package to specific endpoints, add a list of clients or groups.
    • To deliver the updated package to all eligible endpoints, set the field to Global.