SFTP Netmap Inbound Node Definition - Basic

Use this screen to define the minimum SFTP connection requirements for an external trading partner. Refer to the field definitions in the following table.

Field Name


Inbound Node Name

Inbound Node Name assigns a name to the inbound node connection. Valid values are 1-150 alphanumeric characters with no spaces. Special characters allowed are period (.), dash (-), and underscore (_).


Description assigns a description to help you identify the inbound node you create. Description can be up to 255 characters.

Peer Address Pattern

Peer Address Pattern identifies the pattern to allow for the inbound connections to Secure Proxy. Valid values are alphanumeric characters and the following special characters: dash(-), underscore(_), colon(:), period(.), dollar sign($), forward slash(/), exclamation mark(!), tilde(~), asterisk(*), open parenthesis '(', close parenthesis ')' semicolon(;), question mark(?), at(@), and comma(,). You can define one of the following patterns:
  • Wildcard validates incoming DNS names. If a wildcard pattern is provided, Secure Proxy performs a reverse lookup on the incoming IP address and the DNS name is compared to the wildcard patterns. Wildcard characters allowed are ? and *.

    For example, *.a.com allows a connection from b.a.com but not from b.b.com

  • IP/Subnet validates incoming IP addresses. Use the format IP-address/num-bits where IP-address identifies an IP address template and num-bits identifies the number of leading bits in the template that are significant. An IP match is performed by comparing the leading num-bits of the incoming IP address against num-bits of the template.

    For example, searches for a match to the first 16 bits. All IP addresses beginning with 10.20.* are allowed. searches for a match to the first 8 bits. All addresses beginning with 10.* are allowed. allows connections from all IP addresses.


Policy is a pull-down list of policies you have created. Select the policy you want to associate with the inbound node you are creating. If a policy with the security attributes required has not been created, click +.