Viewing partition information

You can view information about the active and backup partitions with the Partition Information widget on the Appliance Dashboard.


  1. On the Appliance Dashboard, locate the Partition Information widget. Details about the active and backup partition are displayed.
    Firmware version
    Displays the version information about the virtual appliance firmware. For example,
    Installation date
    Displays the date on which the virtual appliance firmware was installed. For example, Dec 8, 2015 8:15:51 PM.
    Installation type
    Displays the type of the virtual appliance firmware installation. For example, ISO.
    Last boot
    Displays the time when the virtual appliance was last booted. For example, Dec 12, 2015 8:19:40 PM.
  2. Click the Firmware Settings link to go the page to modify settings of the firmware.