Accessing Web Administration Tool

To manage directory server instances remotely, open Web Administration Tool and configure directory server instance for remote management.

Before you begin

You must complete the following tasks before you can access Web Administration Tool:
  1. Complete the installation of Web Administration Tool.
  2. Deploy Web Administration Tool in a supported web application server.
  3. Start the web application server that is associated with Web Administration Tool.


  1. To access Web Administration Tool, use one of the following options (only works with TDSWebAdminProfile):
    • Open a web browser and enter the following URL:
      • For unsecured access, enter http://hostname:12100/IDSWebApp.
      • For secured access, enter https://hostname:12101/IDSWebApp.
    • Open the following file in a web browser:
      For unsecured access, open ds_installation_path\idstools\bin\idswebadmin.html. You can also click Start > All Programs > IBM® Security Directory Server 6.4 > Web Administration Tool.
      For secured access, open ds_installation_path\idstools\bin\idswebadminssl.html. You can also click Start > All Programs > IBM Security Directory Server 6.4 > Web Administration Tool (secure).
      AIX®, Linux®, and Solaris
      For unsecured access, open ds_installation_path/idstools/bin/idswebadmin.html.
      For secured access, enter ds_installation_path/idstools/bin/idswebadminssl.html.
      The ds_installation_path variable represents the IBM Security Directory Server installation location. For more information about the default location, see Default installation locations.
  2. Log in to the Web Administration Tool console as the console administrator.
    1. In the User ID field, enter superadmin.
    2. In the Password field, enter secret.
      Note: You must change the console administrator password after you log in for the first time.
    3. Click Login.
  3. To add a directory server to the console, complete the following steps:
    1. On the Introduction page, click Manage console servers.
    2. On the Manage console servers page, click Add.
    3. In the Server name field, enter a unique name to identify your server.
      If you do not provide a value, the application assigns a hostname:port value or an IP_address:port value.
    4. In the Hostname field, the host name or the IP address of the directory server.
    5. In the Port field, enter the server port number.
    6. To specify whether the console must communicate with the server securely, select Enable SSL encryption.
    7. To enable the Administration port control, select Administration server supported.
    8. In the Administration port field, enter the administration server port number.
    9. To apply changes, click OK.
  4. To logout of the Web Administration Tool console, click Logout.