Installing and configuring the SMP/E format

The following checklist summarizes the key configuration steps for a successful installation.

Hardware prerequisites

  • IBM® z16™
  • IBM z15®
  • IBM z14®, IBM z14 Model ZR1
  • IBM z13®, IBM z13s®
  • IBM zEnterprise® EC12, IBM zEnterprise BC12

Software prerequisites

Note: The recommended shell is Bash. To download bash, visit Bash for z/OS on the Rocket website.

Optional prerequisites


Open Enterprise SDK for Node.js is a z/OS UNIX-based application, which requires certain configuration on the z/OS UNIX System Services file system to ensure proper operation.
  • Validate that /usr/bin/env exists. If not configured, see the instructions in Verifying the env command path.
  • Ensure that /tmp has at least 1 GB or more of disk space configured. To use an alternative file system, set the TMPDIR environment variable to a directory that has sufficient space.


  1. Run to validate system prerequisites and setup environment variables:
    $ cd <nodejs_dir>
    $ ./
  2. In order for Node.js to operate correctly, specific environment variables must be set. Run the generated .env script that is generated by to set the required environment variables in the current shell using the dot command (.):
    $ . <nodejs_dir>/.env
    This command also adds <nodejs_dir>/bin to your PATH, where the node binary is located.

(Optional) npm configuration when running as BPXROOT

The npm utility is included in Open Enterprise SDK for Node.js to install Node.js modules and packages. The npm utility performs checks to limit unsafe installation of modules by root / BPXROOT. To proceed to use BPXROOT id, you can take either of the following steps:

  • Run with the --unsafe-perm npm option. For example:
    $ npm install <npm_module> --unsafe-perm
    You can configure this option as default with:
    $ npm config set unsafe-perm true
  • Create a user id: nobody and ensure it is a member of a group. npm switches to this nobody uid/gid as necessary when running as BPXROOT.

Related reference