Debugging Utilities

IBMJSSE2 provides dynamic debug tracing support. This is similar to the support used for debugging access control failures in the Java™ 2 platform. The generic Java dynamic debug tracing support is accessed with the system property, while the JSSE-specific dynamic debug tracing support is accessed with the system property
Note: The debug utility is not an officially supported feature of JSSE.
To view the options of the JSSE dynamic debug utility, use the following command-line option on the java command:
Note: If you specify the value help with either dynamic debug utility when running a program that does not use any classes that the utility was designed to debug, you will not get the debugging options.
Here is a complete example of how to get a list of the debug options:
java MyApp 
where MyApp is an application that uses some of the JSSE classes. MyApp will not run after the debug help information is printed, as the help code causes the application to exit.
Here are the current options:
Table 1.
Option Description
all turn on all debugging
true turn on all debugging
ssl turn on ssl debugging
The following can be used with ssl:
Table 2.
Option Description
record enable per-record tracing
handshake print each handshake message
keygen print key generation data
session print session activity
defaultctx print default SSL initialization
sslctx print SSLContext tracing
sessioncache print session cache tracing
keymanager print key manager tracing
trustmanager print trust manager tracing
Handshake debugging can be widened with:
Table 3.
Option Description
data hex dump of each handshake message
verbose verbose handshake message printing
Record debugging can be widened with:
Table 4.
Option Description
plaintext hex dump of record plaintext
packet print raw SSL or TLS packets

The property value must specify either all, true or ssl, optionally followed by debug specifiers. You can use one or more options. You do not have to have a separator between options, although a separator such as a colon (:) or comma (,) helps readability. It doesn't matter what separators you use, and the ordering of the option keywords is also not important.


  • To view all debugging messages:
    java MyApp
  • To view the hexadecimal dumps of each handshake message, you can type the following command, where the colons are optional:
    java MyApp
  • To view the hexadecimal dumps of each handshake message, and to print trust manager tracing, you can type the following, where the commas are optional:
    java,handshake,data,trustmanager MyApp