Known issues and limitations

IBM® Open Enterprise SDK for Go has the following known issues or limitations:
  • Plug-ins are not supported on z/OS®.
  • The following cgo functions are not supported on z/OS:
    • Accessing C file scope variables
    • Callback from a C program to Go
    • Signal handling from C
  • The following commands do not work for z/OS:
    • addr2line: A minimal simulation of the GNU addr2line tool, enough to support pprof.
    • cover: A program for analyzing the coverage profiles generated by 'go test -coverprofile=cover.out'.
    • objdump: Disassembles executable files.
    • trace: A tool for viewing trace files.

    For a full list of Go commands, see Go commands list.

  • Others:

    Race detector is not available on z/OS. You can run into error when using -race flag during the build.