Installing and configuring the PAX edition

Planning for installation requires three main tasks: ensuring you have the correct hardware and software installed, choosing the right default location, and setting up the environment variables accordingly. To download the latest PAX edition, visit IBM® Open Enterprise SDK for Go product page.


Hardware requirements
  • z16
  • z15™
  • z14®/z14 model ZR1
  • z13®/z13s®
Software requirements
  • z/OS® UNIX System Services enabled on z/OS 2.5.0 or later
    Note: Go programs need to bind to the LE runtime services using the c89 utility under the z/OS UNIX System Services environment. You may encounter the following error if your c89 utility was not set up correctly:
    FSUM3052 The data definition name SYSLIB cannot be resolved. The data set was 
    not found. Ensure that data set name CEE.SCEEBND2 is specified correctly.        
    open /tmp/go-build794287247/b001/exe/hello: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
    For details on how to fix this error, see Cannot locate CEE.SCEEBND2 data set.
  • For using cgo (CGO_ENABLED=1):
    • XL C/C++ 2.4.1 for z/OS 2.4 with APAR PH27303.

      For how to compile applications written in C and C++, see Getting Started with XL C/C++ V2.4.1 for z/OS 2.4.

    • IBM Open XL C/C++ 1.1 to run on z/OS 2.4 or z/OS 2.5. You can download the add-on compiler at z/OS Downloads.
    • IBM C/C++ for Open Enterprise Languages on z/OS 2.0. This tool is no-charge and support entitlement of this tool is through Go product S&S, which is available with Shopz order.
  • Rocket bash 4.x or later is required. Must also be available on your PATH.
Note: To download Rocket bash, go to Bash for z/OS on the Rocket Software website.


Install the PAX archive file
  • 250 MB is required to download the PAX archive file.
  • Minimum 850 MB is required to extract and install Go.
  • Create a directory <mydir> to hold the extracted PAX files.
  • Unpax the downloaded file with the following command:
    $ cd <mydir>
    $ pax -p p -r -f <path to downloaded paxfile>
Environment variables for PAX archive installation
Set the following environment variables before using IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go.
  • If you use cgo, configure the COMPILER_PATH environment variable and source the envsetup script in your .bash profile:
    export COMPILER_PATH=<path to xlclang command>
    source <go installation path>/go/etc/envsetup
  • If you do not use cgo, source the envsetup script in your .bash profile:
    source <go installation path>/go/etc/envsetup
  • Reload your bash profile:
    source ~/.bashrc