IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation

Version 4.2.2

Quick Start Guide

This guide describes a quick and easy way to get up and running with the product.

Step 1: Available packages

IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation 4.2.2 has the following packages available:
  • IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation 4.2.2 for x64
  • IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation 4.2.2 for Power® Red Hat Big Endian
  • IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation 4.2.2 for Power Red Hat Little Endian
  • IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation 4.2.2 for Power Ubuntu Little Endian

Step 2: Access the software and documentation

Download the IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation software packages and product entitlement packages from IBM Passport Advantage® at

To access IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation 4.2.2 documentation, see IBM Knowledge Center at

Step 3: Evaluate the hardware and system configuration

A IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation environment requires:
  • A computing environment that consists of two or more machines
  • A management node that has at least one network interface
  • Access to the operating system media or image file that is used for installation of the operating system on all nodes in the cluster
  • Compute nodes that can be set to boot over network and that use a baseboard management controller (BMC) or have power management

For a full list of hardware requirements, see:

The following operating systems are supported on the management node: RHEL, SLES, CentOS, and Ubuntu. For a full list of supported operating systems and other software requirements, see:

Note: IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation supports generic IPMI-based x86-64 hardware and Power hardware that is available before the product release date. For a list of hardware models, see For hardware that is available after the product release date, contact IBM for full support information.

Step 4: Plan system environment before installation

Before deploying IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation, decide on a network topology, and system configurations See more information on planning your environment here:

Step 5: Installing the product

Install IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation on the management node using either interactive or silent installation.

In interactive installation, there are two installation modes, quick installation and custom installation. A quick installation uses predetermined default values, whereas the custom installation has more flexibility and customization in your environment settings. Compare both installation modes here:

See more information on installation here:

Note: Upgrading from IBM Platform Cluster Manager 4.2.1 or lower to IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation 4.2.2 is not supported.

Step 6: Get started

Once you have installed IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation on the management node, you can set up LDAP, start configuring compute nodes and completing other administrative tasks. See more on administering IBM Spectrum Cluster Foundation here: