Hardware and software requirements

Hardware and software requirements for IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface driver.

The following hardware and software requirements must be met for using IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface driver at your site:
  • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® CoreOS (RHCOS) support (x86_64, ppc64le, s390x architectures) when installed in combination with IBM Storage Scale Container Native storage access. For information about the instruction sets, see IBM Storage Scale Container Native Storage Access documentation.
  • Red Hat OpenShift® 4.12, 4.13, and 4.14 (x86_64 architecture) through Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 worker nodes.
  • Vanilla Kubernetes 1.26 and 1.27 (x86_64 architecture)Start of change through RHEL 7.9 worker nodesEnd of change.
  • Start of changeVanilla Kubernetes 1.27 (x86_64 and ppc64le architectures) through RHEL 8 or RHEL 9 worker nodes with a limited support. For more information, see Appendix: Installing IBM Storage Scale CSI on a Kubernetes cluster with RHEL 8 or RHEL 9 nodes.End of change
  • IBM Storage Scale or later.
  • Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 (x86_64 architecture) with Vanilla Kubernetes.
  • If you want to use multiple GUIs on a storage cluster, use IBM Storage Scale
Note: For IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface driver version 2.10 onward, the minimum supported ppc64le architecture is Power9.
Start of change
Table 1. CSI Features, OCP, Kubernetes, and IBM Storage Scale Compatibility Matrix
IBM Storage Scale CSI feature or parameter IBM Storage Scale CSI level OCP level Kubernetes level IBM Storage Scale level IBM Storage Scale file system version
Volume Snapshot 2.2.0+ 4.7+ 1.20+ N/A
Permissions parameter in storageClass 2.3.0+ N/A N/A
Recommended: or later
Volume Cloning 2.4.0+ 4.8+ 1.22+ N/A
Consistency Group 2.5.0+ 4.8+ 1.21+ N/A
Compression 2.5.0+ 4.8+ 1.21+ N/A
Tiering 2.5.0+ 4.8+ 1.21+ 27.00
fsGroup 2.6.0+ N/A N/A N/A
GUI HA 2.8.0+ N/A N/A N/A
End of change
Table 2. IBM Storage Scale CSI compatibility matrix
IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface driver version Architecture Noncontainerized IBM Storage Scale level for worker nodes IBM Storage Scale level if remote cluster is used OCP levels
Start of change2.7.0End of change Start of changex86, ppc64leEnd of change Start of change5.1.1.2 or laterEnd of change Start of change5.1.1.2 or laterEnd of change Start of change4.9, 4.10, 4.11End of change
2.8.0 x86, ppc64le or later or later 4.9, 4.10, 4.11
2.9.0 x86, ppc64le or later or later 4.10, 4.11, 4.12
2.10.x1 x86, ppc64le2 or later or later 4.12, 4.13, 4.14
1 For IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface driver 2.10.x, refer to Table 1 to check features supported for various IBM Storage Scale versions.
2 The minimum supported ppc64le architecture is Power9 for IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface driver 2.10 onward.
Table 3. Hardware requirements of IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface
Pods Where deployed Container name CPU request CPU limit Memory request Memory limit Ephemeral storage request Ephemeral storage limit Description
Driver (ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-driver-xxxxx) All worker nodes with scale=true label ibm-spectrum-scale-csi 20mCPU 600mCPU 20Mi 600Mi 1GiB 10GiB Driver pod allows IBM Storage Scale to be used as a persistent storage for stateful application running in Kubernetes clusters.
driver-registrar 20mCPU 300mCPU 20Mi 800Mi 1GiB 5GiB
liveness-probe 20mCPU 300mCPU 20Mi 800Mi 1GiB 5GiB
Operator (ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx) Single worker node operator 50mCPU 600mCPU 50Mi 600Mi 1GiB 5GiB The controller runtime that manages CSI custom resources.

Attacher sidecar (ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-attacher-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx)

Two worker nodes with scale=true label ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-attacher 20mCPU 300mCPU 20Mi 800Mi 1GiB 5GiB Attacher Sidecar is the pod that runs along with the main CSI driver container responsible for attach or detach of Persistent Volume.
Provisioner sidecar (ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-provisioner-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx) Single worker node with scale=true label ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-provisioner 20mCPU 300mCPU 20Mi 800Mi 1GiB 5GiB Provisioner Sidecar is the pod that runs along with the main CSI driver container responsible for creation, deletion, or cloning of Persistent Volume.
Snapshotter sidecar (ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-snapshotter-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx) Single worker node with scale=true label ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-snapshotter 20mCPU 300mCPU 20Mi 800Mi 1GiB 5GiB Snapshotter Sidecar is the pod that runs along with the main CSI driver container responsible for creation or deletion of Persistent Volume Snapshots.
Resizer sidecar (ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-resizer-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx) Single worker node with scale=true label ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-resizer 20mCPU 300mCPU 20Mi 800Mi 1GiB 5GiB Resizer Sidecar is the pod that runs along with the main CSI driver container responsible for Expansion of Persistent Volume.
Note: For more information about resource requests and limits, see Kubernetes resource management in Kubernetes documentation.